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Practice Individually

Created 5th July 2010 @ 14:21

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Just noticed you meant the following on DM servers only, so all I’ll say is just remember to rebind Tab and death notices when playing an actual match.

It’s always important to know who’s down as it affects how you push, hold and DM on each point; and this information may be missed through comms. You should practice identifying who is who on the other team and what classes they play, so if you see x player die you immediately know whether a push is on (a demo is worth more than a scout for example).

This article is a MUST read: http://communityfortress.com/tf2/blog/momentum-in-tf2-a-push-guide.php

If you are fairly new to TF2, the best thing you can do is just play. Watching demos can help but you will miss the little mind tricks and plays the top players use unless you know what to look for. It’s far better to understand the momentum of the game from experience to start with. There is not much you can do alone as TF2 is a team based game.

Things you can do solo
Practicing aim should be no more than getting comfortable with your setup, it is not something you can improve by playing DM 24/7. I actually find this makes your aim worse. Just get used to moving your mouse at a set sensitivity which you are comfortable tracking a stationary object with, this is usually related to your in-game movement speed (when strafing).

Aim should be unconscious, you should not need to concentrate on your crosshair the entire time as this takes the focus away from your gamesense. You will miss important cues happening around you if you are overly committed on your aim. I find I aim best when I relax and don’t overthink my crosshair position, just let it come naturally.

Watch your own demos and identify what you could have done better.

Lobbies are actually not bad as it forces you to carry your team. Without comms, you can concentrate on improving your gamesense from just peripheral/background information. This is hugely important especially as a scout, if you can identify what to do without any info from your teammates, this will only get better with comms.

Add me on Steam and I’m happy to help you out with questions etc. I’m not the best TF2 player but I have managed to get to div 3 level in less than 100 days.

Last edited by kuma,


[offtop]kuma, you probably know, your nickname means “gossip” in russian (and ukrainian, and probably in all east Europe) :)[/offtop]
Personally, I prefer not believe to my muscles (or nerves in muscles), cuz it’s ruined by vodka and radiation. I try to stick crosshair at center of slow enemies and then shoot, or quick move crosshair through the fast target and try to shoot in right moment, using my eyes as a collision detector ;) And, after DM I loose carring about my life and go straight to kill everything, I can see, so before cw I usually go to public and take some unexpected deaths from traps, pyros and sentries to be more accurate.
P.S. Do not take my words too seriously cuz I do not carry what I’ve written and about it’s corresponds to reality.


P.P.S. I tried to translate other variations of kuma in google and found that gossip probably is not good translation, so kuma means a woman, who is godmather to your kids. Or a wife of godfather of your kids. Or woman, whose kid is your godchild.

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