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Practice Individually

Created 5th July 2010 @ 14:21

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What is the best way to practice individually? I’m a scout for a new clan which is going to participate soon. We practice together in an empty server or lobbies but when we are all not available, I’d like to practice alone.

Can someone please give me some tips? How about mentoring me? :)

Last edited by hz,



I prefer watching demos and playing DM 100 frags-per-day. Your team should quit training in lobby and find some practice matches on IRC @ Quakenet channel: #tf.wars






Quoted from hz

Can someone please give me some tips? How about mentoring me? :)

TF2DM servers -> aim skillz
mixes / merc for other teams -> teamplay/comms skillz
http://n3clan.co.uk/tf2mentor/ and/or #tf2mentor @QuakeNet -> mentors skillz :)



DM servers, walkway (sometimes), public can be helpful in some cases as well, or mixes and PCW’s.



my practice consists of drinking buckfast before every official



You wont get a better lover through masturbating…

Quoted from PeopleZ

You wont get a better lover through masturbating…

Depends on your self-esteem.

Sofa King

Quoted from lolage



^ way bether



Quoted from


Just retarded.
Get on #tf2mentor on qnet and ask around. DM much. Stay focused on the crosshair for four hours straight, once you’ll be able to do that, you’ll be pro.



(This is just for aim, I may add more for other sections etc if people want me to or if I get round to it)

Edit: Just out of curiousity for interested if enough people (assuming people actually view this thread and read this post) actually want it I’ll be willing to make a in detail topic about this stuff in its own thread but I’m not expecting much interest :)

If you’re just trying to get your aim up theres various ways to do it, but the thing is simple, routine (aswell as how you do it).

You basicly want your muscle memory as good as it can get but you also need to practice in a way which is at least slightly situational to game alot of the time and not just go on a map and shoot targets (This IS good for muscle memory but it would be better to be shooting players on DM and stuff most the time as your targets movement is going to be much more human and you can learn how to handle yourself against the other classes and situations)

You can’t just expect to go on a deathmatch untill you rage or get bored to get your aim up, you need a routine and you need to remove certain factors from the game to improve effeciency (read below)

I’d personaly deathmatch, but you DON’T set yourself a goal, what you aim to do is to practice for xx amount of time then have a break, then if you wanta longer routine than a single practice do it again after your break, don’t just sit there and go “I WANT 100 FRAGS THEN IM DONE” that isn’t how you should look at it, your aim isn’t to worry about how many frags, or anything like that its to get your muscles to remember the movement your mouse needs to move xx distance naturaly so you can flick untill the sun goes down and hit where you want to.

When you’re practicing in DM you should do the following, unbind your tab or whatver your score button is bound to.
If you’re constantly looking at your score your doing your job entirely wrong as you are focusing on the goal of a good kd, or topping the server rather than improving your aim by shooting things and this will slow down the proccess and cause you to get more aggravated (if you’re doing badly, or someone is doing better) so unbind tab simples.

Turn off death notices, you do this for various reasons, if you have them on you know whos killing you or who you’re killing, if you’re worried about this you are again, doing your practice scheme wrong, you should have them turned off so you don’t know who you’re killing constantly and more importantly you don’t know who’s killing you, as this can cause you to get aggravated if someone kills you repeatdly, and been aggravated is the worst thing you can do in this situation and it will slow you down massively in improving aim.
Another reason to turn them off is you don’t need to know if you got the kill by looking up, your aim should be to shoot the target you’re aiming for and do as much damage as you can even if someone else is going to finish it off, this will also to an extent help you get a feel for how fast you can kill certain classes in certain situations. (I think I missed something out here but I’ll edit it if I remember)

Turn your ingame sound off, if your ONLY aiming to improve your aim turning sound off can help this matter, as it stops you preempting targets and prejudging where things are meaning longer and more precise movements may be needed (more movement = more your brain gets used to the distance in relation to your hand and your crosshair following it), I’d personaly just stick a playlist on for the time I planed on practicing, and just get in a nice mindset.

most importanly *ROUTINE ROUTINE ROUTINE ROUTINE* set aside say 30 minutes of time for when you’re on your computer to practice, make your music playlist this long, or put a timer on, and only practice for this length of time but do it each day, this helps you as you’re in the right mindset for your brain to take the things in (obviously if you choose to you can DM just before matches ASWELL just for warmup and a bit of practice).

I’ve lost my main track of thoughts now so I’ll add more later or answer any questions if anyone asks anything, theres probably alot of mistakes within the grammar and various other things In what I’ve just wrote, but quite frankly I cba to correct it, if you can’t make sense of something ask me.

Last edited by Jims,



Quoted from Jims

[quick snip on something completely different]

Gotta stick it to my wall.



Quoted from freshmeatt


Gotta stick it to my wall.

Glad to know at least one persons probably going to give it a bit of a read :P



Quoted from freshmeatt


Gotta stick it to my wall.

Ye, sick tips there :>

Last edited by broesel,



Really nice points from jims, the ones about kill notices seem especially important if you’re anything like me. I personally find DMing too boring to do it enough for this kind of thing, but whenever I do I find myself getting horribly sucked in to whos killing me and it tends to detract from the whole purpose of it.

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