Which scoreboard/hud?
Created 3rd July 2010 @ 12:48
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Hey, which HUD which you know of has the smallest/most transparent scoreboard? The reason i ask is that im going to bind the key i use for comms with mumble to show the scoreboard aswell as shift.
Quoted from lolage
Hey, which HUD which you know of has the smallest/most transparent scoreboard? The reason i ask is that im going to bind the key i use for comms with mumble to show the scoreboard aswell as shift.
Dont do it. When you shoot somebody and u need backup, the scoreboard is not quite helpful. Cant you just use voice activation ?
Quoted from Stew
Cant you just use voice activation ?
Can never get it to work right, without letting everyone hear me type and press buttons etc.
(i have a desk mic :D)
Last edited by lolage,
Do u need some help configuring it ?
Quoted from Stew
Do u need some help configuring it ?
If its possible, bearing in mind its a desk mic, so the sound of me typing is closer to the mic than my mouth.
Quoted from lolage
Hey, which HUD which you know of has the smallest/most transparent scoreboard? The reason i ask is that im going to bind the key i use for comms with mumble to show the scoreboard aswell as shift.
You can’t switch weapon whilst the HUD is up, so bad idea.
I tried doing this it really didn’t work :(
I actually helped somebody :D
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