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moving the targe meter on the hud

Created 2nd July 2010 @ 04:28

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so i’m trying to move the targe meter to the left and up slightly, but it seems when i move it the bar slowly disappears (like if i move it up the top starts to get hidden, if i move it left the left side starts to disappear)

anyone know what causes that, didn’t happen when i moved the sandman/bonk/cloak bars


(ETF2L Donator)

you will have to move the parent Hud-Element, right now you’re moving around the child element in the defined space of the parents element, which is obviously not big enough.

hud_layout.res should contain an Element named “HUD_DemomanPipes” iirc thats the parent element for the targemeter, but also for other Demoman weapons. You will most likely have to move multiple child elements after moving the parent to get the desired results.



HudDemomanCharge in tf/scripts/hudlayout.res



got it, thanks

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