What happened to setinfo name?
Created 30th June 2010 @ 06:40
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What happened to setinfo name?
Got taken out when the css patch came out afaik, theres a name enabler floating around which lets you change it (addon like prec) but that got disabled on css recently so I don’t know its situation for TF2
Removed an exploit that allowed players to change their in-game name outside of the Steam Community
Appears in the most recent CS:S update as an Engine change.
A very late reaction to players taking advantage with symbols/colours etc which you couldn’t otherwise do through your steam settings iirc. It was removed during the css update)
Last edited by hapha,
R.I.P. setinfo name. We had fun while you were still with us. We will always remember you. ! :(
Quoted from Oscar
Appears in the most recent CS:S update as an Engine change.
I think that was the name changer addon though and not the command, I think the command got removed before that on the first CSS mac patch (I also think the name changer addons still works on TF2 but not css)
(I might be saying a load of bullshit and be totaly wrong)
Last edited by Jims,
Quoted from Jims
I also think the name changer addons still works on TF2
It does indeed :)
remember the patch on june 23rd wothout any patchnotes?
well here they are:,_2010_Patch
and it says:
Console command: setinfo name xxxx no longer works.
That sucks..
this is the link to the name enabler
it still works =]
The notes also say “Fixed a known bug with the chat box where no messages would appear until the player sent a message. ”
It got removed because it allowed to to bypass getting muted. Not sure how it worked but when muted, using setinfo_name caused the mute to disappear.
Why didnt they just make muting use peoples steam id rather than name then? Fucking daft valve is daft.
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