Why Mat_Picmip -10 Was Removed.
Created 24th June 2010 @ 01:08
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Last edited by The Political Gamer,
“allowed them to put more strain on the graphics card rather than than the CPU, allowing for smoother gameplay”
if this is your email i am about to kick you in the nuts for saying this sort of stupid shit
That’s a very apple way of thinking on Valve’s part there “it might make it more unstable so we’re taking away user controls”
Personally I’m not too bothered, I could hardly notice the difference in how nice it looked but it made my FPS drop quite a lot, so I never used lower values.
what is this i dont even
Seeing some of the posts, it looks like some people have had crash when using lower values than -1. I guess Valve found that out from crash dumps which were sent to them few weeks ago.
Lol @ the original email to Robin, fail. For what Chris said.
As for his response, annoying, but fair enough I guess, it’s nothing game breaking like DICE locking the FOV in Bad Company 2 (rage)
Quoted from Cloud
Lol @ the original email to Robin, fail. For what Chris said.
As for his response, annoying, but fair enough I guess, it’s nothing game breaking like DICE locking the FOV in Bad Company 2 (rage)
They did (DICE)? :O So you mean changing the FOV in settings.ini doesn’t work anymore?
edit: it’s not locked, you liar!
Last edited by RUJa,
Fuck that, for those who have a computer that could handle the strain and didn’t crash, what is the fucking point of removing the command?
Now the game looks shit compared to what it used to look like, gg.
What sort of retard sets their graphics settings wayyy higher than their computer can handle, then complains when it crashes?
Quoted from Cloud
it’s nothing game breaking like DICE locking the FOV in Bad Company 2 (rage)
BFBC2 supports fovs up to 200 what on earth are you talking about
I liked mat_picmip for extra high texture detail, but there’s really not much difference while you’re playing, I used it mostly for videos
Quoted from darkeh
Only noticable difference to me is that the sleeves are slightly better defined. I don’t actually care. At all.
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