coL vs Blight.OWN CEVO FINALS 1130 EST -> 530 BST
Created 16th June 2010 @ 21:04
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Quoted from pyyyour
Cheers, you guys better make this a good game ;)
Ok well I’m off to bed as it’s like 6am and I’m shattered. Looks like it’s been a good game so far and I see Solid has been showboating with the targe. I assume col won the yukon as the map changed when they were pushing 2nd with quite a few blight members down. Gl
Quoted from jgmaster
Ok well I’m off to bed as it’s like 6am and I’m shattered. Looks like it’s been a good game so far and I see Solid has been showboating with the targe. I assume col won the yukon as the map changed when they were pushing 2nd with quite a few blight members down. Gl
yeah, coL took yukon
Quoted from freshmeatt
Wish I could see this live…
Was boring tbh.
terrible players cant counter a targe demo.
begin the war.
(na i didnt watch)
Last edited by Shintaz,
Charge n targe onto badlands last to cap it for the win. That’s american tf2 right there.
Contains yukon, gravelpit and badlands.
I recorded it from stv, so there’s some switching between players etc here and there. It’s annoying, I know. Watched badlands with autodirector on, so it’s like a “usual” stv-demo.
Enjoy, watch solidsnake on yukon.
Quoted from gniedler
Contains yukon, gravelpit and badlands.
I recorded it from stv, so there’s some switching between players etc here and there. It’s annoying, I know. Watched badlands with autodirector on, so it’s like a “usual” stv-demo.
Enjoy, watch solidsnake on yukon.
This is exactly what i dont want eu tf2 to turn into its dogshit.
Quoted from kaidus
Charge n targe onto badlands last to cap it for the win. That’s american tf2 right there.
Did they use pain train yet?
Last edited by RaCio,
During the yukon game one of the Blight sollys when he died “pressed . instead of ,” and so joined the col side and then joined his own side. I was curious about what rules there are against this, both in NA and ETF2L. Firstly, joining the oppositions team mid game and secondly rejoining your own team to skip the respawn time.
EDIT: Dunno if it actually is possible to skip the respawn time, merely an assumption.
Last edited by jgmaster,
had multiple reports that the demos will fuck your binds
don’t say you haven’t been warned, read only your config.cfg!
Quoted from RaCio
[…]Did they use pain train yet?
CEVO rules
All valve unlocks allowed apart from sandman, community unlocks banned for now
STV demos are up
love these guys, awesome casts by them and you won’t get bored
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