Wanted: Tough team to train and practice with...
Created 15th June 2010 @ 22:25
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Right, this is a bit of an odd request but basically my team is looking for a mid(ish) team that is willing to help my team out…
My team practices and learns better from playing tougher teams, but, finding tougher teams that is willing to play whats’ essentially a “div5 shit team” is rather hard.
So, I was wondering, if anybody will be willing to play a few PCW’s with my team maybe once or twice a week, it’s only one map as well if you want to.
It’s a bit like a more direct approach of mentoring, but you won’t actually be mentoring us, your more or less just exposing our flaws, as a team that’s playing other div5 teams etc. Your faults don’t really get exploited as much as they do from teams in the higher divs so this is why I’m asking.
I will now be donning my flame proof suit from this point forth, if you(r) team can genuinly spare 30 minutes max once or twice a week to help some n00bs get some pr0 tact1cs.
I know some will say “GO IRC U NUB LOLOLOL!” but when you ask some people its kinda hard getting some teams to play against us, and also, finding a team that won’t take the piss after 5 minutes if ya get wat i mean yo’. We’ve had a few matches vs. tougher teams and we have learnt a hell of a lot more from those games so we want to keep it up with tougher games for us to learn from.
Anyway, if you willing to help add me on steam and we will have talks etc. etc. etc.
Alternatively, if your cool with mentoring a “div5 shit team” closely also, hit me up yo’ (I will be heading to tf2mentors for this I was just asking here as well)
small bump :>
Great idea. Team mentoring anyone? :D
mini bump, need some more teams, playing vs. mixes isn’t exactly good practice :/
best way to achieve your goal imo, is next time u play a clan that stretches your abilities in the way you want ask the guy u arranged it with if u could make it a regular thing, ie once a week, find 2 or 3 clans like this and you have what u want.
Yeah I got some people like that now, but it’s more of someone that really exposes our flaws, we played classix and despite going down 4-0 relatively quickly on badlands we still managed to hold on for a good 15 minutes on the last round by fixing our flaws which were exposed from them, I think it’s important for us to see how our mistakes were exploited and see what their team was doing effectively that our team wasn’t.
Also thank you for anyone that has gotten in contact, it’s helps us loads, now we just need a team thats’ willing to play obscure :D
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