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scouts - post your mouse settings

Created 13th June 2010 @ 15:50

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Mouse: Mionix Saiph 3200

Mousepad: Ulti-Mat Breathe X3

750 dpi
Windows: 6 (Default: 6)
In-Game Sensitivity: 1.12

Changed windows sens back to default (5 –> 6) and In-Game sens(1.5 –> 1.12)

Got the same cm/360 :)



Quoted from AcidReniX

I’m loving my Xai. Deathadder caused me no end of problems, phantom mouse clicks being the main one. Logitech G3 and Xai are the best mice i’ve ever used. G5 was nice but they kept dieing and I’m really liking smaller mice at the moment.

The Xai only has one problem, occasionally it’s tracking goes down to literally none. I have to put my finger over the lazer, give it a little wigggle and then it works fine. It’s like it just loses the ability to detect the surface under it. It’s a lot less hastle than my DA though, even when it happens in game. Lifting the mouse and wiping around the laser only takes 1 sec, and tbh, it’s probably only because it was an ex display mouse (last one they had in stock at i40, discount price ftw ;p )

clean your mouse lol


400 dpi 2.2 sensitvity. 54 cm 360 degrees



Mouse: QPad 5K with a QPad HeatoN large mousemat.

1020 DPI, 1000 hz polling, some fancy thing that removes all windows mouse acceleration and 1.6 in-game sens.

cm/360: 26-ish

Last edited by Overcow,

Big Chief

3500 dpi
0.9 sens

Last edited by Big Chief,


Mouse: Razer Deathadder
Mat: Ozone Groundlevel Large

windows sens: 4/11
in-game: 0.7
360°/cm: 34

(no acceleration and shit is implied)

Last edited by Square,



Mouse: Razer Deathadder 3.5G
Mat: Razer Goliathus Control Standard

razer sens: 5/10
windows sens: default
in-game: 3.0
360°/cm: about 8,5


razer deathadder 1800 dpi


changed mouse recently so may aswell update.

Mouse:Razer Deathadder
Mat: Steelseries QCK+ (cloth)
3500dpi 1000Hz polling rate
1 in-game

Last edited by Greg,



Mouse: Deathadder
Mat: SteelSeries Qck heavy

Dpi 1800
Windows sens 4/11
Ingame 1.0


Last edited by luzik,


Mouse: ImpeAdder 3G
Mat: Razer Mantis speed

Dpi 900
Windows sens 6/11
Ingame 3



Windows sens at maximum
In-game sense betwen 2.9 – 3.2
Mouse Accel on
No mousepad


Basically just give me half of a table so I can put my monitor and keyboard on, and I can use my mouse in the tiniest space

Last edited by alfa,



Mouse: Razer Salmosa
Mousemat: Razer Sphex
Windows Sens : 6/11
InGame 0.7
DPI 800

Last edited by Archangel,



24cm 360 now


RaWr ::

Quoted from Arcadizz1e


i got the phantom mouseclicks on my first DA and then my second did the opposite, just occasionally didn’t click. however i love the shape so muchhhh, for me its perfect, however i have been thinking recently that the xai would suit my grip really well as well. may go for it when this new one dies

The problem I had was mainly due to the shape of the mouse. I palm grip my mouse and i generally put quite a lot of pressure on it when in game. The problem with the DA is the shell of the mouse. You can press the mouse buttons by pressing half way down the shell, even further down than the line that seperates left click from right click.

During an intense moment of a game, I will grip the mouse and move it really quickly due to having a low sensitivity. My palm (not fingers) would often accidently click the right mouse button.

Older mice don’t use a single shell for the whole upper casing of the mouse. They have seperate buttons for left click and right click, that can’t be pressed by pushing down on the back end of the mouse. The Xai is like the DA… A single shell, but pushing on the back end of the shell doesn’t click any of the mouse buttons.

DA had great tracking, the shape of it was actually pretty nice to use once I got used to it. My dream mouse however is still the Logitech G3 though they stopped making them. The shape is quite boring, and it wasn’t the best tracking mouse, but it did the job and was lightweight which meant I could throw it about a bit with ease. Sadly it’s a Logitech mouse, and Logitech mice and me seem to never last more than 3-6 months. The cord just starts cutting out from the low sens abuse. The Xai I have is working nicely apart from the occasional ‘dust’ issue, where the mouse loses tracking until I run my finger over the laser circle. I can live with that until I find something better :)

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