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Created 13th June 2010 @ 01:29

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Mhh, k. Somewhere at Badlands there is a area with open “flat” field.
But you are right there is nearly no area with this conditions. Anyway, do u think skilled Sollies manage that 1on1 encounter vs skilled scouts?

Last edited by BuGGy,


Quoted from Stew


Which competative map has an open flat field ?

oh, ofc badlands’ choke, lolol

Last edited by masmm,



Quoted from BuGGy

Mhh, k. Somewhere at Badlands there is a area with open “flat” field.
But you are right there is nearly no area with this conditions. Anyway, do u think skilled Sollies manage that 1on1 encounter vs skilled scouts?

This depends extremely much on the situation and is generally impossible to say.
In open areas the scout usually has an advantage and the opposite is true if the soldier has more possibilities to do splash damage.

Last edited by Iller,



Quoted from Stew


Which competative map has an open flat field ?

Badlands, Well, Granary, Gravelpit.



Quoted from Stew


Which competative map has an open flat field ?



Ok, leta take an example: orange solly vs scout.
better to use RL or TDH on those open field areas? I think RL cause TDH seem to me easy to dodge at mid distance


Quoted from BuGGy

Ok, leta take an example: orange solly vs scout.
better to use RL or TDH on those open field areas? I think RL cause TDH seem to me easy to dodge at mid distance

Solution: Jump the scout , kill him . Doesn’t matter which rl you use.

Why would you shoot at a lone scout from mid/long range when you can just jump onto him?


Quoted from BuGGy

Ok, leta take an example: orange solly vs scout.
better to use RL or TDH on those open field areas? I think RL cause TDH seem to me easy to dodge at mid distance

there is only blu and red


Guy just wants to hear an excuse so he can use the DH..


double post..

Last edited by Smofo,



only way to end these discussions is to have an agreement of either vanilla forever, or every unlock without exception.


Quoted from Buffalo Bill


I still haven’t gotten a Crit-a-Cola, Tribalman’s Shiv, Scotsman’s Skullcutter or the drops to craft them. :(

reason for 8 week wait, i’m still waiting on crit a cola, got the skull cutter droped, crafter the shiv, then had that drop about 10 min later.

however if crit o cola was allowed, i’d probably craft my KK, and bonk juice for it


I dont want to use TDH.
I just wonder why all say TDH is OP (airshots are easy ok but its easy to dodge on ground)
AND why TDH is the anti scout launcher. its easy to dodge IMO 1 shot is very strong but if the scout watch out he can stay at distance and dodge


Quoted from Koeitje


Badlands, Well, Granary, Gravelpit.

Badlands : choke might qualify for open, but i wouldnt call it flat

Well : from walls to train and from train to the gates is like 3×30 meters.. not much of an open area

Granary : If granary’s choke is open you just made me lol.

Gravelpit : The only open area is next to B where the medpack is. I don’t see any other flat spaces.

PS. BuGGy, if the scout stays away from the solly, that would affect him as well. I mean in matter of damage. Or as somebody said in this thread – when the scout gets away, jump and chase him.

Last edited by Stew,



lol when i read the thread name i thought. The Direct Hit- Real Life ^^

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