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Created 13th June 2010 @ 01:29

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To put it in a nutshell, TDH would be use div1 but its OP and banned?

But why is TDH OP?? i agree with u that it slows the game and airshots are easy. However, scouts can be oneshotet but i think its easy for them to dodge the TDH. fast right-left strafes (try to do it unpredictable) are easy way to dodge.
Or do you think skilled TDH sollies can even beat very skilled scouts?


cuz it kills scouts

once scouts get killed they get pissed

once scouts get pissed, everything gets banned



Too many of these threads.



Quoted from AnimaL

cuz it kills scouts

once scouts get killed they get pissed

once scouts get pissed, everything gets banned

why is this so true



Quoted from Stew


I beg to differ.. 1 shot kills on scouts are just awesome. :D

^This is why it shouldn’t be allowed



imo its more that its boring & frustrating to play against, even when ur not scoot, especially when the guy using it can aim, so no one wants to play with it

Last edited by caned,


all valve weapons should be allowed without limit, without 1000 page threads

community weapons should be allowed after 8 weeks have passed, allowing all a reasonable chance of crafting them using random drops, or just getting them from random drops.

None are overpowered, yes some are annoying (not a reason to ban), some change the way the game plays, guess what that is the reason for the unlock.



Quoted from Tikcus

None are overpowered, yes some are annoying (not a reason to ban), some change the way the game plays, guess what that is the reason for the unlock.

Some people hold variety as valuable and others not so much, just because you might does not mean that others feel the same way. We play the game with the current ruleset to deliver the best, most enjoyable experience and if a lot of people feel that playing with certain weapons allowed detracts from that then I see no problem in banning them.


I get the point that scouts get oneshotet, but isnt it true that skilled scouts can easily dodge TDH especially if its div1 (high+ skill level).
1shot ok but if the scout dodge he just dont get hit.

Sofa King

1. No

2. I preffer the rocket launcher since i like using the splash damage and just generaly aiming bether with it :)

In choky areas i would preffer the rocket launcher, but in maps like granary TDH is better IMO.

Last edited by Sofa King,



Quoted from BuGGy

I get the point that scouts get oneshotet, but isnt it true that skilled scouts can easily dodge TDH especially if its div1 (high+ skill level).
1shot ok but if the scout dodge he just dont get hit.

At close range, the speed of TDH rockets basically makes aiming it something much closer to a hitscan weapon. This means that if you can shotgun a scout that is dodging (which pretty much all good soldiers can or should be able to do), you also will be able to easily 1 shot them with a TDH.

Last edited by Vali,


Quoted from BuGGy

right-left strafes (try to do it unpredictable) are easy way to dodge.
Or do you think skilled TDH sollies can even beat very skilled scouts?

From the experience I have from playing with TDH for quite a time, it’s nearly impossible for scouts to dodge rocket from close range. If the scouts showed some unpredictable dodge, i just waited untill they started to repeat the dodge pattern. If they double jumped, i simply waited to see the direction they are heading after the second jump and I killed them. The point is that TDH is something like specially designed anti-scout railgun from close range. :)


Ok. Sitution i mean is: Open flat field, the scout stay at distance (nearly survive a tdh rockt but scatter do some damage). If the scout stay at this distance i see no chance to hit him with TDH and choose Rl to beat him. Maybe im not skilled enough, but i see no chance at this distance to beat a skilled dodging scout

Quoted from Tikcus

community weapons should be allowed after 8 weeks have passed, allowing all a reasonable chance of crafting them using random drops, or just getting them from random drops.

I still haven’t gotten a Crit-a-Cola, Tribalman’s Shiv, Scotsman’s Skullcutter or the drops to craft them. :(


Quoted from BuGGy

Ok. Sitution i mean is: Open flat field, the scout stay at distance (nearly survive a tdh rockt but scatter do some damage). If the scout stay at this distance i see no chance to hit him with TDH and choose Rl to beat him. Maybe im not skilled enough, but i see no chance at this distance to beat a skilled dodging scout

Which competative map has an open flat field ?

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