Created 13th June 2010 @ 01:29
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i got some question and hope u can help me
1. are there any TDH player in div1 ?
2. What u think is the better launcher and in which situation?
I asked cause i dont find any threads after the update
TDH has never been used in Div1 afaik, and it’s banned from etf2l (or afs at least) now so I’m guessing not.
There were players in div 1 that wanted to use it and did for awhile, but some found it less effective while some were tired of all the the other div 1 teams complaining and nagging about “Op, annoying, shit, lame, cheap trick” weapon.
I have always wanted to see it be used if even for a game. Just to see how effective (affective?) it is.
Its only good for airshotting. In every other situation the normal rl is better.
Last edited by pena,
You can do 110 damage midrange to one person with DH.
You can do 80 damage to three people with rl.
you and a medic can take out the whole team with it, by 1 or 2 shotting everything. i thought div1 couldn’t use any unlocks except for medic ones?
Last edited by rAye.,
They made a gentleman’s agreement to not use WAR updates I think.
Quoted from pena
Its only good for airshotting. In every other situation the normal rl is better.
if you have good aim it’s easy to 2 shot medics and 1 shot scouts, seen players like stew do it easily in officials ^^
Last edited by Mike,
Quoted from pena
Its only good for airshotting. In every other situation the normal rl is better.
I beg to differ.. 1 shot kills on scouts are just awesome. :D
PS. Yeah Mike, especially on that pre-playoff where i got dominated by almost the whole vertex team… :D
Last edited by Stew,
Quoted from Kryzen
You can do 80 damage to three people with rl.
Never happens, unless you count yourself ;p
I think the biggest problem with this weapon is that it slowdown the game. Soldiers just don´t jump against dh cause is a easy airshot , scouts will not try anything cause they can get 1shoted, even “demos-doble-stickie-jumpers” can be stopped easily with that.
jan and I gave it a try and reach the same conclusion, it´s overpowered and makes the game worse.
Last edited by lork,
Quoted from compton
Never happens, unless you count yourself ;p
You know what I mean though. Stop being picky!
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