Um, Need mentor for the Soldier
Created 11th June 2010 @ 21:57
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i heard the new tf2 tutorials are fantastic
Your name is the sniper! wtf! good luck in the search though
Quoted from ilike2spin
Your name is the sniper! wtf! good luck in the search though
lol, i play sniper in other games
You should go to #tf2mentor on quakenet on mIRC and query/send one of the @ people a message requesting a soldier mentor. :)
Quoted from Swifty
You should go to #tf2mentor on quakenet on mIRC and query/send one of the @ people a message requesting a soldier mentor. :)
how does that work anyways?
Quoted from .
how does that work anyways?
He sends a message to the ops (admins) which redirect him to the right person.
Quoted from Permzilla
Inb4 link to harrygomm’s youtube channel :)
He has a tutiroil on how to get a mentor now?
Quoted from Fragga
TCM’s soldiers make excellent mentors, watch them and do the exact opposite.
or just play like u and demand 300 all game and rage at ur medic / scouts for being shit
Quoted from dotfloat™
He has a tutiroil on how to get a mentor now?
No, he IS the mentor! Have you not seen his RJing tutorial. Amazing.
Quoted from Permzilla
No, he IS the mentor! Have you not seen his RJing tutorial. Amazing.
That tutorial sucks shit, even I’m better than that -.- lol :D
Quoted from David
i heard the new tf2 tutorials are fantastic
Well I did that and it was waaayyy too easy ;)
the sniper, if you didnt notice, you are getting troll’d
Also, wasn’t there a mentor channel in IRC ?
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