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Chris' FPS configs

Created 6th June 2010 @ 15:17

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Before this I was a limp and hopeless scout, however, upon installing this fps config I instantly grew a rugged beard and women found me attractive and I have a girlfriend now!

Not only that but my penis extended to a whopping 3 inches! And I also have a flourishing display of chest hair!

Also, my fps increased by 30 odd.

Aaand, Chris, what is the command that creates all the square textures on the maxframs config? http://fakkelbrigade.eu/chris/configs/shots/granary-maxframes.jpg

Is there anyway to get rid of them?


bon fps сfg – 4154 frames 44.750 seconds 92.83 fps (10.77 ms/f) 10.691 fps variability

Chris “maxframes” – 4154 frames 41.936 seconds 99.06 fps (10.10 ms/f) 12.387 fps variability


for science

Any news on a comparison of this with Quantum’s 2.7 on ultra high fps?



Quoted from Skyride


Wow, this config must be amazing.

Next we know it’ll be bringing people back from the dead and bringing about world peace.

It is confirmed that Chris’s medic config is a cure for aids and his fps configs are the best way to fight cancer. Let people know if you know any other extraordinary attributes. :)



@war: i think
mat_filtertextures “1”
should do the trick, not tested though …



Quoted from octochris

no problem.

also enjoy some of caned:

21:07 – fuckwit: so say i use moreframes
21:07 – fuckwit: and im churning out 300fps every game
21:07 – fuckwit: is that in danger of blowing the shit out of my gpu

8)))) you bitch you didnt even answer that Q on steam jus pasted my stupidness on here >( lol

Quoted from for science

Any news on a comparison of this with Quantum’s 2.7 on ultra high fps?




Quoted from caned


8)))) you bitch you didnt even answer that Q on steam jus pasted my stupidness on here >( lol

answer is no ;)

Quoted from for science

Any news on a comparison of this with Quantum’s 2.7 on ultra high fps?

Will do test tonight of various configs, results tomorrow!

A caveat though — remember that different setups will produce different results.



Quoted from octochris



This is what I needed, thanks. I can’t use DX8 somehow :(



Quoted from Qun

This is what I needed, thanks. I can’t use DX8 somehow :(

well if you want to use dx9 main things to change are mat_bumpmap and r_pixelfog, not sure about the rest because I’ve not actually tested it.

for science

A caveat though — remember that different setups will produce different results.

Not to be a dick, but if all setups produced the same result we wouldn’t need fps configs (or we all would) :D

But, yes, I know what you mean.



Quoted from for science

Not to be a dick, but if all setups produced the same result we wouldn’t need fps configs (or we all would) :D

But, yes, I know what you mean.

I meant in terms of variance between configs.



Quoted from octochris


well if you want to use dx9 main things to change are mat_bumpmap and r_pixelfog, not sure about the rest because I’ve not actually tested it.

Yeah I knew about bumpmap, gonna test it out when I’m at home.

for science

I meant in terms of variance between configs.

But, yes, I know what you mean



Quoted from for science



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