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Chris' FPS configs

Created 6th June 2010 @ 15:17

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Quoted from lolage

Had a quick look through the code and couldnt find a reason to as why it starts up my game in a low resoloution every time? I have to manually change it back..

Ideas? :D

Launch options…?



Quoted from lolage

Had a quick look through the code and couldnt find a reason to as why it starts up my game in a low resoloution every time? I have to manually change it back..

Ideas? :D

are you sure you got -w and -h the right way around?

for example 1024×768 would be

-w 1024 -h 768


Started using morefps. When I first played I was like, yeah better quality more fps, then I looked at video settings and was like, oh shi.

Great config!



I should really rename moreframes, it’s a bit of a confusing name.



first off great config, one minor thing and its only my preference, is there any way to make the scope in for sniper higher quality, cuz you get the soome then a kind of yellowy ring inside the scope, and its hampering my allready small abillity to play sniper, anything that could be put in the class config to fix it?



OK, fixed resoloution. Only thing bugging me now is when placing stickies for about 2 seconds they glow which makes em look like they are crit. Any way of stoping that?

Other than that, awesome config – really dont know how you have done this.



Quoted from Spark

first off great config, one minor thing and its only my preference, is there any way to make the scope in for sniper higher quality, cuz you get the soome then a kind of yellowy ring inside the scope, and its hampering my allready small abillity to play sniper, anything that could be put in the class config to fix it?

Which config are you using?

If you’re talking about this (http://i46.tinypic.com/8z4kud.jpg — you love my ms paint skills), that is controlled by mat_picmip.

Quoted from lolage

Only thing bugging me now is when placing stickies for about 2 seconds they glow which makes em look like they are crit. Any way of stoping that?

Other than that, awesome config – really dont know how you have done this.

Could I please have a screenshot, also which config?



Chris, I now love you. Gone from 80 fps with m0re to 150 constant with this<3<3<3



Gonna give this a go, used m0re’s for a long time.

It’s not that i NEED an FPS config, it’s that TF2 is shite at giving consistent framerates, gonna use the highframes one.



Quoted from octochris


Which config are you using?

If you’re talking about this (http://i46.tinypic.com/8z4kud.jpg — you love my ms paint skills), that is controlled by mat_picmip.


Could I please have a screenshot, also which config?

im using max, and yeah thats exactly what im talking about :) any wy to have that on like highquality? or simular

EDIT: oh soz and im using maxfps config.



Quoted from octochris

Could I please have a screenshot, also which config?

Using the Highframes config. And for some reason tf2 wont let me take a screenshot. It screenshots whats behind my game ;s rofl I’l try sort out a screenie for you.



Quoted from Spark


im using max, and yeah thats exactly what im talking about :) any wy to have that on like highquality? or simular

EDIT: oh soz and im using maxfps config.

Only way to improve it is to use a config with better mat_picmip.

Try using highframes, you should see a significant improvement with little to no loss in fps.



Quoted from octochris


Only way to improve it is to use a config with better mat_picmip.

Try using highframes, you should see a significant improvement with little to no loss in fps.

hmm alright then i’ll give it a go, what were you on about ms paint? could i make my own scope :OOO?



Quoted from Spark


hmm alright then i’ll give it a go, what were you on about ms paint? could i make my own scope :OOO?

lol he means when he was trying to annotate his print screen with paint you nooby




Before i used m0re’s highfps configs with 60-100 FPS and it was jumping like hell… Today I tried Chris’s configs and WOW! I put my fps_max to 80 and for my pleasure i tried mat_showlowresimage “1” xD FPS is all-the-time @ 80 and i can meatshot ppl again.

Thank You Chris <3

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