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Chris' FPS configs

Created 6th June 2010 @ 15:17

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Quoted from Daniel

Just thought you might wanted to know how it runs on a netbook. Dunno if you can actually see the FPS on the screenshots. The dropdown jump on Badlands was incredibly hard to nail.

When I tried to walk on the ice on Freight (jump in the water) my computer crashed. :p

Oh, and the screenshots were taking while standing still.


That’s somewhat to be expected, I get similar results on my AAO. FPS configs aren’t miracle workers :p


640×480 or its no point… native resolutions are sure not to be carried by integrated solutions



How to get the shadows back on:



My average FPS with the config is 115 on snowies demo thing but the average isn’t the issue it’s the drops. Though changing to 1280 by 800 seems to have helped somewhat.


Quoted from compton

How to get the shadows back on:

r_shadowmaxrendered “128” shouldnt be over 11 in comp play

shadows are rendered only from players in front of you, but keep in mind hpacks are also counted as an object

im using only 8 – better fps and no disadvantage



New stable version out with some improvement from the betas.



not seeing much difference and in fact a little decrese of fps on maxframes… im still cool with 166 tho



Quoted from AnimaL


not seeing much difference and in fact a little decrese of fps on maxframes… im still cool with 166 tho

seems similar to me, the commands are marginal anyway



does the new one help with maintaining a more consistent fps and reducing fps drops which is what i find to be the biggest problem with tf2 atm :S dunno if its me or the cfg tho ;p



Quoted from flushy

does the new one help with maintaining a more consistent fps and reducing fps drops which is what i find to be the biggest problem with tf2 atm :S dunno if its me or the cfg tho ;p

no more than the last one, really. realistically you should expect to see little difference.

if you’re getting a lot of fluctuation, it’s possibly because of cycles getting stolen. some people have reported changing res fixes it.



I have now had 2 reports that the latest version somehow manages to reduce FPS.

I suspect this may be due to r_occlusion, which I changed to 0. Why turning off occlusion should lower FPS I do not know, but I am going to go and do some tests now.

Stay tuned.



I see little to no difference:

r_occlusion 0 76139 frames 359.599 seconds 211.73 fps ( 4.72 ms/f) 17.355 fps variability
r_occlusion 1 76139 frames 354.237 seconds 214.94 fps ( 4.65 ms/f) 17.581 fps variability

I managed to overwrite my backup of my last config :D if anyone still has it, please send me it.



i noticed a change actually, not in fps tho in image for maxframes

before update http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/3825/ctfballin0015.jpg
after update http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/4529/ctfballin0017.jpg

ps: the fps drop was just when i took the screen, avg fps stayed same at 300 capped



Quoted from WildEast

i noticed a change actually, not in fps tho in image for maxframes

before update http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/3825/ctfballin0015.jpg
after update http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/4529/ctfballin0017.jpg

ps: the fps drop was just when i took the screen, avg fps stayed same at 300 capped

that’s a bit odd.

do you still have the old config? I managed to overwrite mine (i’m an idiot) so can’t debug



Quoted from octochris


that’s a bit odd.

do you still have the old config? I managed to overwrite mine (i’m an idiot) so can’t debug

lol, i actually just deleted the old config, however i have one older than it, and it gives same picture than the old one not even sure if its same config
10 July

Edit: btw, i dont mind that new image, its much better

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