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Chris' FPS configs

Created 6th June 2010 @ 15:17

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Quoted from octochris


Who said he was using a P4?

he using i7 and worried about fps??? what?

but answer still stays, enable it… i got HT on my i5 and as i said, its 2.2ghz dual core performs the same as my 3.4ghz Q6600 :]



Quoted from AnimaL

[…]since dual core support on tf2, it should stay enabled… eg “-1” it will detect two cores and increase performance

but ur right, for single core optimized apps, HT disabling would increase fps

Quoted from AnimaL

but answer still stays, enable it…

It’s single core, actually P4 Northwood, 3.2GHz, http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?spec=SL6WG , I heard HT is ‘a fail attempt of emulating second core by exhausting first’. That’s why I am asking, since SPUF ain’t any helpful.
One of recent updates apparently dropped my framerate, looking for ways of getting missing fps back.


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anyway, no it isnt, just compare 3dmark cpu scores with HT enabled and disabled

once you will disable HT you will feel insane slowdowns for ur pc and the only reason to disable would be for applications that dont have a clue how to utilise this virtual dual core advantage

as i said, for single core apps, single core would perform better, but tf2 can now use two cores so HT is win

recent fps drops? yes, its just valve putting more stuff on engine that already is underperforming… cant say they dont try… c2d and newer have more and more performance updates (you can see them in l4d2(according to tf2beta forum)), but for older p4/pentium dual core architectures there wont be any updates…



Quoted from AnimaL

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remove the trailing comma



Quoted from octochris


Not entirely unexpected on vanilla 64-bit w7.

Any tips on how to prevent it?



Quoted from Enef


Any tips on how to prevent it?

Well, W7 pretty is bloated compared to XP, but the thing I’d recommend doing is checking your startup applications and your system services for unneeded programs starting on login, and disabling them.



Quoted from Squeak


@ParanoidAndroid – try using the good ones, they should be fine, otherwise go down to the bad ones. also, not sure what’s going on with your fps issues, i think you must be doing something wrong.

nope i just copy pasted the full screen commands in the launch options with my resolution instead of height n width.

300+ fps without launch options and 80 fps with launch options.



Quoted from JT


nope i just copy pasted the full screen commands in the launch options with my resolution instead of height n width.

300+ fps without launch options and 80 fps with launch options.

No other reports.



Quoted from octochris



i already had those set to 1
0 is even worse…

no idea?



Quoted from Hunt3r


i already had those set to 1
0 is even worse…

no idea?

As I said, I’m not seeing the issue.

Maybe try mat_wateroverlaysize at the default value?



Is there any way Mumble (with overlay and positional audio turned off) could stop draining 10 fps when running (setting priorities help only a bit)?



Quoted from freshmeatt

Is there any way Mumble (with overlay and positional audio turned off) could stop draining 10 fps when running (setting priorities help only a bit)?

You can’t get something for nothing sadly, Mumble will use CPU cycles even when idle due to the very nature of the application.


Quoted from freshmeatt

Is there any way Mumble (with overlay and positional audio turned off) could stop draining 10 fps when running (setting priorities help only a bit)?

only the ppl who have 3 or more cores, can disable core 0… that helps



Quoted from AnimaL

[…]only the ppl who have 3 or more cores, can disable core 0… that helps

well yes, but that’s not the case on a P4 ;)

Just thought you might wanted to know how it runs on a netbook. Dunno if you can actually see the FPS on the screenshots. The dropdown jump on Badlands was incredibly hard to nail.

When I tried to walk on the ice on Freight (jump in the water) my computer crashed. :p

Oh, and the screenshots were taken while standing still.


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