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Chris' FPS configs

Created 6th June 2010 @ 15:17

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Quoted from Up


Oh man massive herpderp on my part there. Cheers Chris. xxx

not on your part, on mine :D



chris got problem, sometimes i dont see explosions or hear them. It really irritates me and my game normally fucks up completely like taking ages to switch from capping to spawning with me being a medic its really bad as i cant heal demoman etc so is this your configs or my pc



Quoted from Edd

chris got problem, sometimes i dont see explosions or hear them. It really irritates me and my game normally fucks up completely like taking ages to switch from capping to spawning with me being a medic its really bad as i cant heal demoman etc so is this your configs or my pc

I had this recently, I did hud_reloadscheme and snd_restart in one session whilst playing a game and it has never happened since. I have heard it is (somehow) to do with custom HUDs.



Quoted from octochris


I meant highquality GUHHHHHHHHHHH

Maybe I’m blind, but I don’t see this, I see max quality and nothing else for these “quality” configs, can I get a link?


Yeah scratch that, I’m blind. Is there a screenshot of highquality anywhere though?



Quoted from Cloud

Yeah scratch that, I’m blind. Is there a screenshot of highquality anywhere though?

nope, it’s very similar to maxquality, you won’t notice much of a difference but it is less resource intensive.


any way to make rockettrails less obnoxious in dx9 that doesnt involve particle edits?


My fps keeps fluctuating from 60-120. Quite irritating while playing, do you know how to fix it?



Quoted from tehoreoz

any way to make rockettrails less obnoxious in dx9 that doesnt involve particle edits?


Quoted from focuz

My fps keeps fluctuating from 60-120. Quite irritating while playing, do you know how to fix it?



try removing everything except for the binds from config.cfg and restarting.

Didnt get what you mean…

Spike Himself


Quoted from focuz


Didnt get what you mean…

You open config.cfg and remove all the lines that *don’t* start with ‘bind’.


Question: why didnt you add the -heapsize (RAM/2 x 1024) line in launch options?

Great configs Chris. I have been using the moreframes one since I got my new PC and I love it. Just one thing I have noticed, wondering if anyone else has the same?

There seems to be a texture (silver colour) which comes out very strange. Its on the silver medal and the medics ‘ze goggles’.

This happens on both the moreframes (which I use) and the highframes which a friend uses.
Here are some screenshots:




it’s the same with all medals iirc, and as he explained before, it’s a DX8 bug, you or I cant fix it.
edit: and yes, i have it too.

Quoted from Waebi

it’s the same with all medals iirc, and as he explained before, it’s a DX8 bug, you or I cant fix it.
edit: and yes, i have it too.

Hmm strange because I used to use Quantums config on my old pc with directx8 and I didn’t have that problem?


First I installed your Config.
Then I deleted the config . Now I have black “blood”
Large black boxes instead of blood.

I re-installed TF2 and i have “black blood” again :/

Can you tell me how could this happen? :)

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