Created 1st June 2010 @ 14:47
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Hi, I got this weird problem when I’m playing tf. I’ve got a normal ping (30-60) but sometimes it jumps up to like 500 for a few seconds and ofc the game lags like mad. Is my internet provider shit or is there any way to fix this, optimize the game?
thanks in advance
Quoted from Sunbather
Hi, I got this weird problem when I’m playing tf. I’ve got a normal ping (30-60) but sometimes it jumps up to like 500 for a few seconds and ofc the game lags like mad. Is my internet provider shit or is there any way to fix this, optimize the game?
thanks in advance
might help if you mentioned if you have wireless or?
Few things:
1.) Are you sure nobody is downloading something and saturating the connection when it jumps to that ping?
2.) Are you sure that something in the background on your computer is not downloading something for a few seconds (could be AV downloading updates) and is saturating your connection?
3.) Are you constantly getting enough FPS to satisfy cl_cmdrate?
I am sure that only i am using it. well i havent got too many fps but i think its enough.
Also our mumble server has been recently updated, is it possible that it’s because of mumble? (its version 1.2.2
Mumble should not be the problem.
How often does that happen in a match? (30 min)
If your ping jumps up when you talk on mumble,press configure>settings>audio input and lower the quality bar
disable steam cloud
diagnosis: you suck
Quoted from Sunbather
I am sure that only i am using it. well i havent got too many fps but i think its enough.
You’re probably using 66 tickrate, so 66 is the absolute minimum FPS you should get to avoid lag.
Quoted from octochris
You’re probably using 66 tickrate, so 66 is the absolute minimum FPS you should get to avoid lag.
Pleasel link to information
Your tickrate must not exceed the Servers FPS!
As far as i’m aware client side FPS doesn’t cause problems (as long as the out is at leaset 66), but i’m willing to be educated
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