Hitsound problem.
Created 25th May 2010 @ 15:30
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Hey guys.
I got a problem with my hitsounds, when im hitting something im getting this message, in console.
Failed to load sound “quake3.wav”, file probably missing from disk/repository
it is placed in Steam/steamapps/ID/Teamfortress 2/tf/sound
any solution? :)
Quoted from Sofa King
Hey guys.
I got a problem with my hitsounds, when im hitting something im getting this message, in console.
Failed to load sound “quake3.wav”, file probably missing from disk/repository
it is placed in Steam/steamapps/ID/Teamfortress 2/tf/sound
any solution? :)
1) Check if the sound is actually in the directory
2) Check if your config is setup properly to make it replace the standard hitsound with the quake one.
Had the same issue a plenty of weeks ago. My solution is to put the play command in the autoexec.cfg
play "quake3.wav"
tf_dingalingaling "1"
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg "66"
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg "133"
tf_dingaling_volume "0.75"
tf_dingaling_wav_override "quake3.wav"
you can also put it in every cfg and just turn the hit sound in the other cfg’s off with tf_dingalingaling “0” and just in the cfg where you want it to be on you use the “1”
Quoted from Otenali
Put ur sound in tf/sound/UI.
No. You’re supposed to put it in tf/sound. It doesn’t work if you put it in UI. At least it didn’t work for me.
Sure boy. I had the same problem, every tips have never worked and i tried to put in ui and now it’s work fine, but i’m dreaming right ?
Quoted from Otenali
Sure boy. I had the same problem, every tips have never worked and i tried to put in ui and now it’s work fine, but i’m dreaming right ?
If that works that’s unusual because documentation specifies that /tf/sound/ is the default dir, so putting it in /ui/ should mean that you have to specify /ui/quake3.wav.
I’ve been meaning to change mine to the q3 hitsound myself so I’ll report back on that when I do.
put play "quake3.wav"
in autoexec.cfg
and also
put +play "quake3.wav"
in your launch options
works like a charm
Quoted from Admirable
play "quake3.wav"
in autoexec.cfgand also
+play "quake3.wav"
in your launch optionsworks like a charm
This should be stickied or something, becouse quite some people ask this.
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