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Created 25th May 2010 @ 10:59

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Vaskie | old

In Portugal, we have been working on having LiveStreams of all the Portuguese games, be it TCM, Paranoids, Dimension9, or others.

We have a Livestream.com account, the Procaster software, but we aren’t able to make as good Streams as N2O.

I would like you to see the Granary match for a bit and help us a bit with things we can do to improve.

http://www.livestream.com/fuzuetf2 (The first link, Granary Match, Portugal VS Epathy)

What we already going to do from now on is take the Yellow ball from the middle of the screen, turn off Steam.

We are having some problems as the person doing the recording is also recording the sound, but seeing that theres a delay he can’t comment. Also if i am recording and using the game profile in Procaster i can’t seem to be on Mumble.

So basically gives us ideas and try to help us :D


i would also disable the is carrying window, can be disabled through the multiplayer option iirc

Vaskie | old

If someone could watch it for a bit and help us, all of us would be extremely thankfull !

Don’t chat on steam, remove the light on the cursor, turn off mumble overlay and make voices louder. Can hardly hear anything you crazy people say. (In your crazy language that I don’t understand.)

You can also add English subtitles.


i did watch it, that’s why i said i would turn off the “Player xy is carrying…” window ^^

Vaskie | old

Whats the solution to the person recording the video and sound not recording the out of game sounds (from room), cause the way it works now is, the video is being normally recorded but the audio from the game is coming out of the speakers of the screen and being captured by the microphone.

Isn’t there a way to make the Procaster record the sounds of the computer and not the microphone ?

Vaskie | old

What about the Video Quality, is it good enough as it is ?


I think it would also be nice if you can spell the team name properly. ;)



16:9 would be nice..

Vaskie | old

16:9 isn’t possible if it’s me doing the transmission as my resolution is 1024-768

Vaskie | old

What about the video quality guys ?

Whats the solution to the person recording the video and sound not recording the out of game sounds (from room), cause the way it works now is, the video is being normally recorded but the audio from the game is coming out of the speakers of the screen and being captured by the microphone.

Isn’t there a way to make the Procaster record the sounds of the computer and not the microphone ?




Sure its possible in two ways:

1) use the auto mix of procaster ( new release ), normaly it should work with the default settings
2) use stereomix, here my old tutorial:

1. Go to Recording Devices
2. Right-Click -> Activate “Show Disabled Devices” & “Show Disconnect Devices”
3. Right-Click on Stereo-Mix -> Enable
4. Now Click on Playback ( Top Left )
5. Right-Click on Speakers ( or anythink else ) -> Properties
6. Go to Levels and activate the volume where your microphone is going in to the computer, i use Rear Pink In, so i gonna activate it and put the volume to 100.
7. Now in Procaster you have to use as Audio Source Stereomix and everything should work.

It doesnt work for all systems, but it should help.

the video qualitiy is okay, but if ur computer is a bit better u should use higher graphic settings, it looks really ugly :p. Your ingame resoultion is okay, but whats ur streaming ( output ) resolution? use the 4:3 and something like 500-600x.

Vaskie | old

Thanks mate :D

Last edited by Vaskie | old,

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