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Some weird (connection?) problem

Created 27th October 2008 @ 18:43

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My TF2 used to run fine, but now after the updates I keep getting the message: Auto Disconnect Connection Problem in the top right corner. After that I just get disconnected and can’t get in the server anymore, though sometimes I get lucky and manage to connect again, but then the same story happens all over again.
Google told me it had something to do with my router, but I thought that was rather strange as it never happened before (which is quite a long time), but just started after the updates (the 21st of October ones iirc)

If anyone happened to have the same problem or has an idea how to fix this, please drop a message :)
ps. Chickens Can Fly


used to happen to me alot, still does sometimes. I would get disconnected straight away joining a server. However thats mostly stopped happening, now a new problem arose. Every so often when joining a game… my router would RESET ITSELF. i think i solved that problem though be restarting the whole thing. BThomehubs suck



Just found out STVs work fine, lets servers do aswell..

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