PLDX recording thingy problem
Created 9th May 2010 @ 13:33
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Okay well basically, i used the recording tool and made a clip, so after that when i open tf2 it’s like high graphics, but in the settings everything is Lowish, like it should be, also this mat_bumpmap is always on, i wonder could the PLDX thingy change some settings or what ? how could i get my normal graphics/settings back.
When you run the tool it automatically backs up your cfg/resource/scripts folders in a folder called “temp” in the tf dir. When you close TF2 after recording they also get moved back automatically.
Solutions- 1. make sure you close TF2 inside the pldx tool properly so the files will get copied back. 2. look in your tf directory for the “temp” folder and copy your folders back manually. 3. mat_bumpmap 0 in console (if its not already in your autoexec)
Thing is that i dont have a “temp” folder, and yes i’ve closed it properly all the time :(
I have a problem with the pldx recording tool, when i click in “Launch Team Fortress 2…” the tool don’t lauch TF2 :/
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