tf2 unplayable
Created 8th May 2010 @ 11:20
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i start playing yesterday evening and I was having a major lag..
My ping on the scoreboard was fine.. So i went to look on net_graph 1
and my ping was like 90 ms en when i’m running or comming close to other people it goes up to 200/360 ms..
help mee :(
Firstly, what are your settings for the following cvars:
– cl_cmdrate
– cl_interp
– cl_interp_ratio
– cl_lagcompensation
– cl_pred_optimize
– cl_smooth
– cl_smoothtime
– cl_updaterate
– rate
Also, could you paste results from the following sites:
cl_interp 0.016
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_smooth 0
nothing else..
Quoted from Plumb3d
Is multicore rendering on? If it is turn it off
lol, why multicore off..?
Quoted from george
lol, why multicore off..?
Indeed, multicore will not have an effect on network issues.
Last edited by octochris,
Quoted from Plumb3d
Is multicore rendering on? If it is turn it off
Check the flux capacitor isn’t blown either.
Quoted from Skyride
Check the flux capacitor isn’t blown either.
Last edited by octochris,
As a matter of fact, running on w7 and having multicore support on might cause lag on certain setups, like mine for instance. The only ways to get rid of the lag is to either limit the framerate or disable multicore. Tho if it appeared suddenly I doubt it is related. Besides, remembering it is the source engine even the position of the moon might make a difference so…
Last edited by Rake,
even tho this happened to me but ok
Now i see why everyone hates you adam
Last edited by Plumb3d,
Quoted from Rake
As a matter of fact, running on w7 and having multicore support on might cause lag on certain setups, like mine for instance. The only ways to get rid of the lag is to either limit the framerate or disable multicore. Tho if it appeared suddenly I doubt it is related. Besides, remembering it is the source engine even the position of the moon might make a difference so…
here you go.. please help me :(
Quoted from Brainmaster
here you go.. please help me :(
That seems okay to me, the problem seems to lie with TF2, not your internet connection or network.
I will message you on Steam and we can check some things.
Had exactly the same problem after “someone” (FUUUUUU- Zero) told me to type “Exec lab” into the console. Changing the cl_cmdrate, cl_updaterate and the rate settings fixed it for me.
Last edited by insanity,
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