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Anti Cheat - What would you improve?

Created 8th March 2010 @ 18:58

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Quoted from demsii


according to phytek he was aimbotting with him in cs ..

and how would you justify him abusing his admin rights to change steam id’s for phy?

First I’ve heard all we know is about rank hack everything else is pure speculation and rumours.



Quoted from demsii


Do I know you?

Nah you’re just all over shit that has to do with cheaters every time :)





Quoted from demsii


Oh, that makes it all alright then!

Getting seriously tired of this community. Here it’s like with cheaters:”Awww, you’ve cheated but I still <3 you cuz we're e-friends. And if you say you don't cheat anymore that's all alright!"

What happened to the days where cheaters were named and shamed, rejected and never accepted back anymore unless they REALLY made an effort to change? Pathetic.

rofl. i was just pointing out a fact (or what i assume is fact as its what i have been told), i never said it was ok. So quick to jump to conclusions



Quoted from Swifty


rofl. i was just pointing out a fact (or what i assume is fact as its what i have been told), i never said it was ok. So quick to jump to conclusions

Everything after the first sentence wasn’t directly aimed at you, but in general :P
Sorry if that confused you.


Quoted from Si^


what’s to tell he rank hacked on mw2.



Quoted from konr

[…]Nah you’re just all over shit that has to do with cheaters every time :)

Cool story, so how does that have anything to do with you? Unless you were trying to be funny.. which in that case I’m not impressed.


Quoted from demsii


Oh, that makes it all alright then!

Getting seriously tired of this community. Here it’s like with cheaters:”Awww, you’ve cheated but I still <3 you cuz we're e-friends. And if you say you don't cheat anymore that's all alright!"

What happened to the days where cheaters were named and shamed, rejected and never accepted back anymore unless they REALLY made an effort to change? Pathetic.

No, you massive spastic. Breaking up a friendship with someone because they cheated in a computer game is pathetic. Even if it is an ‘e-friendship’. Shallow prick



steve, chill, dont mad on an internet forum


im fine :O



Quoted from franco


No, you massive spastic. Breaking up a friendship with someone because they cheated in a computer game is pathetic. Even if it is an ‘e-friendship’. Shallow prick

Oh, sorry, I didn’t know e-friendship meant so much to you .. seems you and I have different opinions on what real friendship means. But I guess you’ll find out sooner or later. I guess you have a good social life in RL then aswell aye?

I suggest you have some teatime in RL then instead of “lolz, just let him cheat ‘cuz we’re e-friends bro!” .. idiot.



Quoted from franco

im fine :O



Quoted from franco


No, you massive spastic. Breaking up a friendship with someone because they cheated in a computer game is pathetic. Even if it is an ‘e-friendship’. Shallow prick

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read in a while.


Goodness people. This is about an anti cheat team member getting VAC banned, not about social lives.

Personally I would like to see his side of it. Will it make this any better? No. Of course it won’t, but it will at least give us some back story to why he got banned.


Quoted from Si^


First I’ve heard all we know is about rank hack everything else is pure speculation and rumours.

What are you talking about, he got banned for aimboting. He even admitted it.

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