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Created 20th December 2009 @ 00:41

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Okay, don’t start the flame war, aye?

Can someone tell me where can I get the invite to “the pickup2”?

Pickup1 is getting a little boring…and I wanna play against stronger players(just to train my aim and skillz more).

So if ya can help me, reply here:D


You need someone to invite you into the channel, the only thing you need to be in that channel (and not get banned) is good comms.

(and dont piss off your team since some douchebags report some acts for no reason)


You need someone to invite you into the channel, the only thing you need to be in that channel (and not get banned) is good comms.

(and dont piss off your team since some douchebags report some acts for no reason)

Someone told me that it is maxed, and nobody can invite me…Like who is da leader of this community:D? maybe I can ask invite from him/her?



It’s full full full.



I heard that pickup2 was getting a massive clear up over the christmas period, so hopfully then there’ll be room for some new people instead of the same 30 active players and 170 idlers.


idd… it has space for 500? authed users only, so no new players can get into it (even asking to pickup root – f2 wont help)

too bad that from those 500 i could say there are no more than 50 active players and atm and looking at the stats, even the 50th player has played only 5 pickups in past 7 days :(

so wth are those 450 innactive ones there i got no clue


Yeah, the channel should have been cleared ages ago


idd… it has space for 500? authed users only, so no new players can get into it (even asking to pickup root – f2 wont help)

too bad that from those 500 i could say there are no more than 50 active players and atm and looking at the stats, even the 50th player has played only 5 pickups in past 7 days :(

so wth are those 450 innactive ones there i got no clue

If that is correct then this kickbot is a bitch. It has happened to me twice where i have gone on holiday for 2 weeks, come back and realise that i have been kicked from pu2!



You just hit the wrong date of hollyday imo. Afaik admins decide when to clear it out or not, or maybe it’s some kind of “clear the idle” day or smthn? But pu2 should be seriously cleared out of inactives, I doubt that a player, who has played 10 pickups in a month or less could be called active…

I haven’t played a single pickup in months, I’m amazed (and glad) I haven’t been kicked out yet.



dunno if f2 kicks this time more, I hope so, but usually he does this:
kicking all players with 0 or 1 game(s) in the last 60 days

and yes 10 games a month dont make you active
which is kinda title because only as an active player you can invite players (and have to play medic once every week)


Kick all with <1 game in the last 3 weeks



if you read changelogs more often then you’d know that since August there is no need for kicks anymore…

edit: or at least that’s what f2 told us.



Why is there a limit of 500 players?



pu2 sounds like heaven compared to the normal pickups :( “Are we going to speak or are we all just going to sit in silencce and call scouts telepathically?”

I love playing medic and trying hopelessly to fight off two scouts whilst my soldiers both jump up onto spiral, I swear some people play without sound alltogether.

Oh yeah, people not showing up for the match then joining the server 15 minutes into the game…WIN!

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