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Ladder Feedback

Created 19th October 2009 @ 22:02

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Maybe i am crazy. But we have 6+ and are 5th in the ladder. Still we have 17 points less then clans that have +3. Is it me or is there something wrong??

And like Wer said why does league positions counts and not only the ladder. In this way you will have the same clans on the top. Let the small clans compete vs each other, and higher skilled clans, and then you get a nice ladder with difference of skills everywhere.

Thats the thought of a ladder tbh.
Or is it maybe to much like the old days in TFC???

I am getting to old maybe…..

Thnx for the ladder competion though, its a great initiative.


its probably because they played the double points map


^ Double pts. Also, i’m gunna go into a little bit of ELO.
1) If you play 1 match with three maps on double points, you get 3 x the rank you get if both have the same. Then doubled to get 6x.
2) If you play 2 matches with three maps each on single, you get 3x the rank you get if you both have the same again. Thats 3x. However, for the next bit when you play someone with 1000 again, you will have your current rank – their rank being a bigger number than before (before it was 0) therefore you get less. So it’ll be 5.something compared to 6.


Points are based per fixture, not per map, so you’ve won 6 maps, but only played 2 fixtures. So as i said before its:

(map1 + map2 + map3) / 3
(map1 + map2) / 2

You get double points per map, not per fixture. So you’re just a game behind.

Something weird going on with the times, not sure ive figured it out yet! And open challenges are supposed to be blind. Once the rankings have worked themselves out it’ll make more sense.

League positions dont count at the moment, the feature is there but its not toggled on at the moment.


Ok hopefully fixed the time issue :/

And open challenges are supposed to be blind. Once the rankings have worked themselves out it’ll make more sense.

What do you mean by this? How can we find other clans with open challenges?



It means that the opponent’s name is hidden, but their points are shown. You can see all open challenges by going to your profile and clicking on Challenges.


I should make this clear that if you accept an open challenge you have to play the match or a default win will be awarded.

The whole point is that the rating gives you an idea of the clans skill, hence me wanting to skew the ratings by the season 6 divisions.

This will sort itself out in a few weeks when some more games have been played, however at the moment everyone is ~1000.

So please be careful which open challenges you accept!



Personally I think clans refusing any challenge (open or not) should have some penalty against them.

I know that a game will be pointless if there is a massive skill difference, but this is an open ladder and surely challenge comes with the territory.



Personally I think clans refusing any challenge (open or not) should have some penalty against them.

I know that a game will be pointless if there is a massive skill difference, but this is an open ladder and surely challenge comes with the territory.

Then i could challenge any team to a game at 04:00 on a tuesday and they would get penalty if they rejected.

Just because a team is signed up to the ladder doesn’t mean they can play at all times.



I’ve been having problems with teams not getting back to me and saying they wont have enough players on the night, something needs to be in place to make it more definate, also I’ve had afew challenges replied after the suggested match date and it won’t let me re-arrange the dates etc.

I think with the tables there’s more things set in stone than there is with the ladder as far as arranging matches go.

And for the top teams maybe something should be in place so they would have to challenge one another? Of course the div 2 teams etc. would see it as a waste of time playing a div 5 team but then you signed up for the ladder in the first place so your gonna have to play them some day.

If you have an open date and time there should be atleast a limit as to when you play it if you accept the challenge (maybe a week or two), but of course some teams play in the ladder as well so I wouldnt expect many teams to put 100% dedication into the ladder yet.


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Then i could challenge any team to a game at 04:00 on a tuesday and they would get penalty if they rejected.

Just because a team is signed up to the ladder doesn’t mean they can play at all times.

No penalties would be applied, as dates/times entered when you challenge a team directly are suggested, not final.

With regards to open challenges though, a team that accepts one of those and does not play the game because they are suddenly afraid of an opponent or some other awful excuse…they should get a point deduction or default loss as a penalty.

If a team keeps refusing challenges, they will not keep up with the teams that confirm them.

Btw, are the maps and time put in on a challenge solely a suggestion, and *not* a decision?



If a team keeps refusing challenges, they will not keep up with the teams that confirm them.

Btw, are the maps and time put in on a challenge solely a suggestion, and *not* a decision?

They are a suggestion, but the challenging team could just refuse to change map / time and say that’s what they want to play. Then what?


The ladder is supposed to be an easy way to get your pcws into the ETF2L system and as such the rules are slightly more lax.

I agree however that accepted games should be played within say 2 weeks. Ill be adding some automatic system for this to add default dates or whatever. Not sure about a penalty for rejecting a challenge, but accepting then not playing is different. Maybe top x number of clans cant reject a challenge? Thats how it works on clanbase.

Also maps / times are suggested so that you can agree to play whatever you’d like. However that does lead to potential problems as Klu points out

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