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One Night Cup: Episode 2 The Whitelist Feedback

Created 23rd April 2017 @ 23:02

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Please post any feedback on the Vaccinator, the Solemn Vow or any other weapons in this thread. Please do not post any feedback regarding maps and please keep the forum post on topic.


what???? vaccinator banned?????? I swear to god….


(League Admin)

Quoted from Nightmare

what???? vaccinator banned?????? I swear to god….

Do you want to have a whitelist cup without actually changing the whitelist or what?


Quoted from Jan


Do you want to have a whitelist cup without actually changing the whitelist or what?

6s people getting mad because I run perma vaccinator in 6s is my only source of fun :C


(ETF2L Donator)

Getting mad at vaccinator just means you don’t know how to counter it

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Don’t ban the vaccinator next season please. Also allow the steak, i’m sick of chocolate and sandwich I need something to make me strong and healthy.

Last edited by sheepy dog's hand,


Quoted from TimTum

Getting mad at vaccinator just means you don’t know how to counter it

Doesn’t that apply for every unlock in the game? e.g. dead ringer, razorback

No crossbow = most fun I had in TF2 for ages


Ban vacc and crossbow, game is 10x better without them. No stupid op healing across the map



Solemn vow seems pretty pointless so doesn’t mind either way.
Im a fan of no crossbow, works well
Spade should be banned
I also wish gunboats banned but thats not going to happen, so limit to 1 would be nice, they have bought nothing to the game but farce.

my two pence


I really enjoyed playing without arrows. Made the fights way more fluid and decisive for the team. In terms of me individually, I felt it required more skill to have to simply use the medigun for heals, (having to prioritise heals in fights effectively). Liked using syringes too, didn’t realise this before but it’s super powerful vs. chasing players. Also on a very selfish level, taking arrows out of the game made medic way more chilled out which I liked.

The solemn vow isn’t overpowered and should be allowed. I guess the only consideration that needs to be made is with it being potentially very good at lower levels where the comms are worse.

Oh shit yeah I enjoyed playing without vacc just because last pushes are easier but I don’t think pushing last is impossible against it so I wouldn’t really care either way.

Last edited by Crayon,

hi im cupcake

(ETF2L Donator)
hi im dog

I really enjoyed no vacc, it felt like earning an uber advantaged mattered more and it was quite fun.

As for no crossbow, I thought it was fun for a change, but generally speaking I’m not a fan because it felt like it made healing scouts better than it already was. Most of the time the decision making came down to leave or get run at by two 185 scouts who utilize heals more efficiently than soldiers.

Didn’t really get to test out the solemn vow ¯_(ツ)_/¯



playing without crossbow was cool because if the enemy team took 200 damage you could actually push off of that or take ground which made the game go a lot faster for us but sadly there were also no prem teams to test this against


(ETF2L Donator)

To me, as an enormously biased soldier player, it kinda blows how no crossbow felt like it made jumping on mids so much more all-or-nothing. You’re never really gonna take heals away from your scouts on a mid anyway cause they’re just better with it, so not really getting some kind of cross-map healing made the idea of re-engaging kinda not make sense. Process felt better because of where packs are positioned, but gully and via just made it so scouts get even more preference and tbh I think scouts have been buffed enough the past couple years.
Also, the idea of going for a push, taking a bunch of random damage and being forced to stand around for ages while you heal a couple hundred health before being able to push was pretty lame. You could avoid that by never taking that random bit of damage, but that’s kinda the risk you take when peeking choke points and that, so if you’re never gonna do that then game’s gonna be boring af.
To me, I prefer the game with the crossbow included, banning the vacc seems like a fine decision and I literally don’t care about the solemn vow.

Last edited by eepily,



Quoted from eepily

To me, as an enormously biased soldier player, it kinda blows how no crossbow felt like it made jumping on mids so much more all-or-nothing. You’re never really gonna take heals away from your scouts on a mid anyway cause they’re just better with it, so not really getting some kind of cross-map healing made the idea of re-engaging kinda not make sense. Process felt better because of where packs are positioned, but gully and via just made it so scouts get even more preference and tbh I think scouts have been buffed enough the past couple years.
Also, the idea of going for a push, taking a bunch of random damage and being forced to stand around for ages while you heal a couple hundred health before being able to push was pretty lame. You could avoid that by never taking that random bit of damage, but that’s kinda the risk you take when peeking choke points and that, so if you’re never gonna do that then game’s gonna be boring af.
To me, I prefer the game with the crossbow included, banning the vacc seems like a fine decision and I literally don’t care about the solemn vow.

as a roamer player, i preferred actually having to do something on mid instead of being allowed to just stand around tanking damage hitting 0 rockets and still being useful

and your team taking 300 damage doesnt mean you get to stand around and heal up, against good teams it means they will push on that damage because you dont have a crossbow to heal it all in 5 seconds

Last edited by Muuki,

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