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API request for matches

Created 26th December 2016 @ 16:18

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Hi there,

I know that you can access the results of played matches of a team through “api.etf2l.org/team/:id/results/:page”.

But I didn’t find any way to access the “matches” page (for example: http://etf2l.org/matches/66693/). Is there any way to access it so I can get the players that played in the match.
Also is it possible to get the id (match id) through the team results for an automated system.



Nope, no way to do it in the current API as far as I know. Closest thing I found to working was cross referencing team results and what roster they had at the time of the results.

If you want I can probably help you a bit with what you’re trying, just add me on Steam.

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