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Winter Map Cup Feedback Thread

Created 5th December 2016 @ 02:47

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Please use this thread for feedback related to the Winter Map Cup. Feedback about both the maps and the process of the cup.

With regards to the process of the cup we would like to know a few things.
Was 3 games in a day a good amount or would you prefer more/less games in a day?
Would you prefer cups to be to test whitelist changes/maps or more standard 6v6 competition?
Would you be interested in a “matchmaking” style cup, no whitelists/class limits?

We also know there was not much notice for this cup, this was not our original plan but the delayed prem finals due to dreamhack pushed back this cup.


(ETF2L Donator)

I already posted this in the comments of the newspost, but I can’t really add new players because there’s still a roster lock from S25.

Last edited by TimTum,



Quoted from TimTum

I already posted this in the comments of the newspost, but I can’t really add new players because there’s still a roster lock from S25.

This should be fixed

Is there alist of teams that have signed up?


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Quoted from zeFrosty

Is there alist of teams that have signed up?

I don’t see any reason or a need for that to be published before the cup will be live.



– the dates are kinda shitty, many teams don’t play Friday or Saturday. I realize there’s also the highlander season going on, so there is no straightforward solution here. In the other hand I don’t see the reason why it has to happen during the highlander season anyways. There’s also a weekly FaceIt cup happening Sundays now, but that would only affect a few teams anyways
– default mercs? It would make teams more flexible, especially as it’s off season and many teams are missing a player or are even just being created. It would also underline ťhe ‘fun first’ nature of the cup, and, after all, isn’t the goal to provide playtime for new maps and not enforce rules?
– roster locks…
– fun teams?

There have been plenty of cups and tournaments in the past, with a wide variety of setups and rules. I don’t understand why some issues resurface again and again. thinking forward, those and other things should be added to the sticky in the admin forums (the one that contains a step-by-step guide for setting up cups).


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Quoted from ash

– the dates are kinda shitty, many teams don’t play Friday or Saturday. I realize there’s also the highlander season going on, so there is no straightforward solution here. In the other hand I don’t see the reason why it has to happen during the highlander season anyways. There’s also a weekly FaceIt cup happening Sundays now, but that would only affect a few teams anyways

The Faceit cup was only announced after we announced our cup, so we couldn’t have known of this being a factor here for teams to decide where to play during the weekend then. Even then our original plan was to make this before the holiday season to have teams still play it well before the next season.

Quoted from ash

– default mercs? It would make teams more flexible, especially as it’s off season and many teams are missing a player or are even just being created. It would also underline ťhe ‘fun first’ nature of the cup, and, after all, isn’t the goal to provide playtime for new maps and not enforce rules?

Similarly it also raises more issues with matches where teams use default mercs that are too experienced compared to the rest of the team or too experienced in another gamemode. I do understand what do you mean with fun being the priority with a cup like this but we had wanted to make it a little different for this time now due to there being no 6v6 season running currently.

Quoted from ash

– roster locks…

All roster locks for Season 25 have been removed already.

Quoted from ash

– fun teams?

We are taking in Fun teams as well for this cup.



There’s a faceit cup running on sunday, you might want to move the sunday matches so it doesn’t clash with faceit.



Quoted from ondkaja

There’s a faceit cup running on sunday, you might want to move the sunday matches so it doesn’t clash with faceit.

we can extend the deadline for matches to be played but given we have announced the days already i cant force people to play on monday.

I wish faceit had told us they were going to run a cup on this weekend as then this issue could have been avoided. But if they choose to run a cup on a weekend and announce it after us there isnt much we can do if they dont communicate.


Dr. med.

Sandstone is insanely OP for sniper. you can literally stand behind the middle point and aim at the enemy spawn door (left side of point).

even the sidelines on the right side were really really dominant as well. Bombing sniper is not really a thing since there is a low hanging (?) bridge above the middle point, which lets the sniper be super safe


Quoted from DCS

Sandstone is insanely OP for sniper. you can literally stand behind the middle point and aim at the enemy spawn door (left side of point).

even the sidelines on the right side were really really dominant as well. Bombing sniper is not really a thing since there is a low hanging (?) bridge above the middle point, which lets the sniper be super safe

Tbh because of the amount of flank routes and cover its pretty easy for a soldier to get behind and pick off a sniper. Not essentially you have to bomb a sniper more like walk past.



* pretty!
* super fucking crowded with random rooms and corridors, needs a lot of streamlining and reducing; overall the pathing doesn’t feel “logical”
* the sniper sightline from archway into second is straight up OP, it’s pretty much impossible to deny him from slowly moving into second because how of that route is made
* lots of weird highground that’s not really accessible by medics in any reasonable way
* maybe mid has too much highground – there’s like a dozen of little spires and shit all over it
* last feels weird to hold, but I think works well enough if you decide on a position to hold

* spawntimes are shit – not only very long, but also get increased dramatically when you’re waiting to spawn and the opponents cap?!
* the sound bug (where hitsounds don’t play most of the time) is still a thing
* hard to say how specifics of the map work out because spawns overshadow everything right now

* sniper sightlines
* the whole “house” between spawn and mid is super weird, not sure what’s going on there
* a big part of the map is dead space, i.e. the whole area between spawn and house. I don’t like how there’s no reasonable way to hold forward (maybe I am just stupid)
* please no

Cardinal seems to be the farthest right now, map development wise, but I don’t want to see it in a season in it’s current state.



Cardinal is beautiful and very interesting in terms of design, also seems to be pretty well balanced. 2nd point is a little bit exceptional in comparison to other 5cp maps, pushing from last can be a little bit tricky, especially from the right-hand side, Last is just as stalemate’y as snakewater, or even more, but I like it, playing point pays off.

Dudgery, on the other hand, is weird, I did not like it at all. Last is super tight, the rest of the map looks like somebody wanted to make things different, but had no idea how to do it. Also, I don’t like the emptiness of some areas (i.e. lobby between mid and 2nd), which is even more weird for such a small map.

Sandstone is interesting. Being true that sniper sees pretty much everything, there are also a lot of corners and obstacles to hide behind, Being aware of a sniper is the priority for any team. What I didn’t like about sandstone is that there are limited possibilities for the combo to hold, in comparison to product, for example.

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