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Beta design gone? D:

Created 28th June 2016 @ 21:41

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Se ye, the beta button is gone and even beta.etf2l.org doesnt work for me anymore. Are you guys about to actually release the new design or what? The beta design worked all fine for me and I didnt had any problems with it, really. And no offence, but I really cant stand this old design from like 2008
Info from the admins would be neat, thanks



Wow, just a short time after writing this it got back (and also roster lock is enabled now, so I guess you did like multiple changes at once or something).



Rosters have been locked since the 26th
Beta design hasn’t been updated for the past 10? months and not a lot of people were fan of the colour scheme. We didn’t have any plans on continuing the development on it either. If you still wish to use it you can access it through manually typing the url. http://beta.etf2l.org/
We’ll keep on looking at updating ETF2L.


Dr. med.

Ah, too bad. I liked the general design, but kept using the current one because of the way higher information density. Looking forward to what you guys will bring up!



@aoshi but it only gave me the text at the top that roster locks are enabled shortly before I was writing my 2nd post



Quoted from Blitz

@aoshi but it only gave me the text at the top that roster locks are enabled shortly before I was writing my 2nd post

The text isn’t directly linked to the rosters being locked. So the text could be none existent and the rosters could still be locked.

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