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Can this be made more clear?

Created 6th May 2015 @ 15:15

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Alot of new players are posting to join players team’s whilst it’s the player recruitment page.

excuse the english




Is already being dealt with


Quoted from Tseini


Is already being dealt with

I don’t think its more clear on the new site tbh


Would you like to present some cases where this happened?

“A lot” is a rather unfitting description, if it did happen the cases are very rare and most likely the fault of the players themselves (e.g. posting before reading, lack of common sense etc.).

Besides, any suggestions as to how we are supposed to make this more clear?

It says “players” since that section is for players looking to join a team and “teams” because that section is designed for teams looking to recruit players.


Quoted from ducky

Would you like to present some cases where this happened?

“A lot” is a rather unfitting description, if it did happen the cases are very rare and most likely the fault of the players themselves (e.g. posting before reading, lack of common sense etc.).

Besides, any suggestions as to how we are supposed to make this more clear?

It says “players” since that section is for players looking to join a team and “teams” because that section is designed for teams looking to recruit players.

only 4 hours ago

@how to make it more clear

Honestly its never confused me but it has confused other people, maybe change ”players”
into ”Players Looking for team” “teams looking for players””

edit: A lot may have been a little unfitting but i see it frequently

Last edited by akachu,



Quoted from ducky

Besides, any suggestions as to how we are supposed to make this more clear?

The buttons you switch between players/teams could say like “Teams looking for players” and “Players looking for team” instead of being like this http://puu.sh/hDuvz/8e337b30db.jpg


its time the new theme comes into effect with this big wave of new players. it would make things easier.



Quoted from Tseini


The buttons you switch between players/teams could say like “Teams looking for players” and “Players looking for team” instead of being like this http://puu.sh/hDuvz/8e337b30db.jpg

But then maybe some would think “This place is if I’m a player looking for a team” instead of a list of players looking for teams.

Last edited by Spycy,



“The buttons you switch between players/teams could say like “Teams looking for players” and “Players looking for team” instead of being like this http://puu.sh/hDuvz/8e337b30db.jpg”

This, couldn’t be more idiot proof, also in new theme it’s even less clear. Or just make it two seperate pages under “Recruitment bar” like under leagues bar for those two recrutiment types.

Don’t know why quoting is fucked up for me.

Last edited by Hajdzik,


(ETF2L Tomator)

how about only one link on each page leading to the other one, saying something like: “show list of teams” on the players page and “show list of players” on the teams page
or even like: “You’re a player looking for a team? click here to show a list of teams” to make it more visible

maybe a pre-page before seeing any list at all asking you whether youre a player or a team which then would lead you to that page

Last edited by .Constantine,



I am sadly currently overwhelmed with my university stuff, I will try to rework the Recruitment Section then asap. I agree that the User Experience is currently not the best and its not that clear whether you are currently in the “Team seeking players” or “Player seeking Teams” Section.

Thanks for your feedback.

Last edited by Schalla,



People don’t realise that the people who are getting this wrong are just new players, it’s probably their first time doing this. Yes, the instructions are relatively clear. Yes, they could’ve made it slightly more visible and easier to read/see/understand.

ETF2L could just use a switch type of button (e.g. ON/OFF buttons on everything) when you click and make it more visible. Also, since people are lazy these days, how about a small video tutorial on ” How to ETF2L 101 “, since there will be lots of new comp players soon, it’s just a suggestion.


Quoted from R4ndom

People don’t realise that the people who are getting this wrong are just new players, it’s probably their first time doing this. Yes, the instructions are relatively clear. Yes, they could’ve made it slightly more visible and easier to read/see/understand.

ETF2L could just use a switch type of button (e.g. ON/OFF buttons on everything) when you click and make it more visible. Also, since people are lazy these days, how about a small video tutorial on ” How to ETF2L 101 “, since there will be lots of new comp players soon, it’s just a suggestion.

People don’t realise that the people who are getting this wrong are just new players,

we need new players to not die as an e-sport brother! making everything idiot proof will help tf2

Last edited by akachu,


While I partly agree with the opinion that not everything has to be idiot-proof, I also have to say it doesn’t hurt. An UI should be a easy to use for everyone and be clear without prior experience, so yeah, I will take a look. 
If you have more feedback feel free to post that in another thread or even in here. Please note I only help out on the beta theme. :)

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