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Rec Posts - Add sub / Main search

Created 3rd May 2015 @ 22:30

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Just a quick suggestion, I thought we should add a selection for if you are searching for main or sub when LFT, it would be helpful when looking for subs rather than having to click on every rec post to find out.




I agree, but it could confuse some of the newer players, perhaps something to mark “availability” like 1 night a week, 2-3 nights a week, 3-4 nights a week, 5 nights a week? 7 nights a week zoob style?


Quoted from Hildreth

I agree, but it could confuse some of the newer players, perhaps something to mark “availability” like 1 night a week, 2-3 nights a week, 3-4 nights a week, 5 nights a week? 7 nights a week zoob style?

Just have a little infobox explaining terminology or link to http://comp.tf/wiki/Glossary . It’s much more practical and logic to mention main/sub than to mention availabilty because that will be discussed with the team later or explained in the rec post itself.



Implying people would click the link and read it! :/

I dont think the recruitment section should be overly like excel, but a simple main/sub selection (with option to tick both) could be nice to have.

More pressing however is in my opinion that you cannot have multiple posts for different team formats up at the same time, nor can you search for e.g. high demo and open scout at the same time.

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