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[ETF2L] Questions about Swiss Tournament System

Created 17th December 2014 @ 16:51

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Seedings still have to be done manually, but simply deciding if a team is in half A or half B of a tier is easier than putting them into several subdivisions.



And what about the imaginary results? Will you use Jon’s ratings, or just decide for yourselves?


(Toucan Ambassador)

Fully Charged! Europe – Episode 20


(ETF2L Donator)


Since you are changing things on the site, I’d like to make a suggestion:

We get a notification for new schedule proposals on the main page, can we get the same thing for demo requests?

Gentleman Jon

Quoted from Gentleman Jon

I suggest not giving the new tiers the same names as ESEA, it’s bad for brand differentiation.

I’ll clarify this, at the moment ETF2L has Divs. If someone talks about Divs in a TF2 context you know they’re talking about ETF2L. This is the same for UGC in that if someone talks about Iron of whatever in a TF2 context you know they mean UGC (although Steel obviously has the map), and for ESEA if someone talks about Open or IM or whatever, you know they’re talking about ESEA.

If ETF2L adopts the same names as ESEA then it confuses things by meaning two groups of people are using the same nomenclature to talk about two different things, which means the brands are not clearly differentiated. But the clincher is that ESEA has been around for 7 years so they have a massive advantage in market position (sorry for talking in commercial terms but remember ESEA is a business, even if they essentially speculate on TF2 at a loss for now), essentially in this small regard ETF2L loses it’s identity behind ESEA and every time it talks about it’s new tiers it essentially advertises ESEA instead.

This might have utility if ETF2L was trying deliberately to poach ESEA’s customers because it lowers the barriers to entry, but ETF2L isn’t doing that. In fact if ESEA opened an EU league again the change might make it easier for them to take ETF2L’s players.

Yes this is a relatively minor detail but it’s from attention to detail that a strong identity is built. I wouldn’t urge ETF2L admins to be different just for the sake of it, but as there is already a preexisting identity in this area it seems pointless to just throw it away for no apparent reason. The exception might be Open as this is so widely used among organised games and sports it’s relatively generic.


(ETF2L Donator)

Maybe somebody else already asked this question before, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.
Because in Open, you still have teams with the same amount of maps won and lost.

The team I’m in for example is in fourth place, but we have the same amount of points as three other teams. What makes us 4th and not 7th?



Quoted from TimTum

Maybe somebody else already asked this question before, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.
Because in Open, you still have teams with the same amount of maps won and lost.

The team I’m in for example is in fourth place, but we have the same amount of points as three other teams. What makes us 4th and not 7th?

It’s random on the tables currently as it’s always been (teams with tied points are sorted by map wins IIRC). At the end of the season ties are broken using either Head-2-Head (for 2 teams) or Sonneborn Berger Score.


Quoted from Permzilla

Sonneborn Burger Score.

Second best only to the McDonalds Burger Score

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