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[ETF2L] Questions about Swiss Tournament System

Created 17th December 2014 @ 16:51

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Quoted from Reservoir Dog


Maybe he is asking what Google is? :D



http://lmgtfy.com/?q=democracy Kappa


when will recruitment be changed?


Quoted from kid_alt

when will recruitment be changed?

I kind of feel like this question is aimed at me, yet I don’t really know what do you mean?


Quoted from CHERRY

I kind of feel like this question is aimed at me, yet I don’t really know what do you mean?

what i mean is, will the recruitment be changed so it uses tiers instead of div?


(ETF2L Donator)

Are you rebuilding the backend cherry?


Quoted from Alfie

Are you rebuilding the backend cherry?

No, not really I thought he meant something else nvm.
And now that I think about it it requires HL and 6on6 to use the same division names atm so probably frontend will need some reworking too.

Last edited by CHERRY,



As its simply nomenclature, updating the recruitment section doesn’t really have high priority.


cherry are you gonna re code the website to fit the new system or?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from rockie

cherry are you gonna re code the website to fit the new system or?

I remember the excuse for this never happening earlier was because there was no one in the community to do the work. So I assume it’s not cherry.


Quoted from Alfie

I remember the excuse for this never happening earlier was because there was no one in the community to do the work. So I assume it’s not cherry.

I wonder how many know this mysterious coder


The mysterious coder is the one and only emb afaik
Then again even I am not sure :O

EDIT: It’s probably just another evil German plot this league has seen tens of.

Last edited by CHERRY,



A lot of these questions were unanswered. Want to have a go at them over Christmas, Permzilla? Cheers.



Quoted from fraac



How will these be done?

Not sure what you want me to say, it’ll be done back-end. Not sure exactly how it will be implemented if thats what you mean.

Quoted from JackyLegs

What would this mean for map schedules? how many maps per week? 1 like ESEA (better option) playing 2 teams? 2 playing 1 team?

And does this mean one more map to the list?

Same as before, 1 match a week and 2 maps. No changes there. Why would it mean 1 more map to the season? Don’t understand how you’re getting that, but we’re not forced to add another map.

Quoted from Dingo

Since it seems that the number of rounds won/lost is having a greater importance, as they will be counted when two team are tied by points, will you just keep golden caps as they are? Maybe I see things from the wrong perspective, but with the new system I would eliminate golden caps entirely.

We’ll get some feedback on golden caps before Season 20 and adjust accordingly, it’s possible to use any scenario (same as before, No gc+draws, golden cap but 3-0)

Quoted from Ecophagy

Will the standings/points be decided as they are in UGC (where it’s strictly the number of wins/losses, then done by map points etc), or will points be allocated as under current ETF2L rules of 6 for a win, 4 for a GC win etc?

Essentially, if you win week 1 off a GC, are you more likely to play someone else who won a GC, or are only strict wins looked at as in UGC?

It’s strictly by point totals, wins/losses won’t come into it. Points will be the same unless the GC rule changes (see above). Yes, teams are matched by points so if you get 5 points in Week 1 you’ll be playing somebody else with 5 points (assuming they exist).

Quoted from Popcorp

I think having like 184 teams in 1 Tier (5&6) would be quite an overkill, there should be div like Sub-Tiers, Sub-Tier for Tier 4 and maybe 3, with 30 teams or so in each of them…Having 184 in 1 Tier would be an Overkill

This would sort of…negate the point of doing this change somewhat. 184 is a lot but why is it overkill?

Quoted from Deox

So winning div 2, 4 and 6 last season was pointless now? Not sure I like the idea of playing in the same ‘Tier’ for 4 seasons in a row. However i’m open to the change so not a huge deal just a bit skeptical.

It’s not completely pointless, it means you’re pretty much guaranteed to get seeded into the top 50% pre-season. Clearly it’s not as big of a deal as normal, but we have to make this change between seasons at some point. Sorry to everyone who this affects!

Quoted from Bona

All I think that the people who want to have a vote are tired of the prem circlejerk deciding everything while they put in just as much time and effort.

What happens now is people are arguing which is better, letting the people who “apperently” have a far greater and more intelligent understanding of how the game should be played, or let everyone vote.

Both are bad. Just find a good compromise which will benefit not just the premiership players.

Unrelated, but look at the s20 pre-season whitelist which is open to everyone, this is allowing us to get a feel of how everyone takes to the weapons – not just asking Prem.

Quoted from Oxy

Haven’t read the whole thread so this might have been said, but I suggest seperating div 5 and 6. They both have plenty to fill one each anyway.

Really don’t see the point, they’re almost identical in skill.

Quoted from Admirable

Also using round difference as a deciding factor for tiebreakers seems arbitrary.

If I am behind in a match with limited time I am likely going to take big risks to go for the win rather than keep playing the same way and hope for a different outcome.

Yet a team who turtles for the low scoring loss could be automatically rated above me in tiebreaker?

I don’t have a better solution and it’s probably a non-issue in terms of weekly ranking, but if I missed out on the playoffs because of this I would be mad 8)

After Fully Charged and some internal discussion, it looks like we’ll be using H2H as an initial tiebreaker with the Neustadtl Sonneborn-Berger score as a secondary.

A player’s Neustadtl Sonneborn-Berger score is calculated by adding the sum of the conventional scores of the players he/she has defeated to half the sum of the conventional scores of those he/she has drawn against.

How we do Golden Caps will affect that drastically, but the theory will remain.

Quoted from damneasy

How many teams willl be in the playoffs?

Roughly the same as currently (count up the promotions/relegations) with the exception that a lot fewer teams will be promoted from Div6/5, about 18-20 perhaps.

Quoted from NeuTronas

When does S20 open sign ups?

During the first week of January.

Quoted from kid_alt

when will recruitment be changed?

Not sure, it’s not a priority right now as everyone is used to the Division System and can swap between them easily. I’m pretty sure it’s easy to do and won’t take long when we do it eventually.



I just wondered whether the seeding would be done automatically, or by Sonny Black rating teams manually, which doesn’t seem like much less work than now.

So is reaching the playoffs the same as getting promoted?

Last edited by fraac,

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