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[Highlander Season 7] Provisional Feedback

Created 14th October 2014 @ 22:25

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UbeR |

This is to provide feedback on any announcements for Highlander Season 7. This topic will be heavily moderated since it is intended for serious discussion.

Please try to provide constructive feedback. “Remove x for y” is not very helpful.


remove x for y


(ETF2L Donator)

koth_reservoir? This is one of the most broken maps I have played, it would be so aids in actual competition. Pls no


reservoir is really short notice, I haven’t even had a chance to play it even. What happened to intermodal too?

also: why is gullywash still a thing?


(ETF2L Donator)


I don’t quite understand why reservoir is in the mappool instead of something else. We had an experimental cup to test some new maps a few months ago and I think that intermodal is a decent map. With a bit more feedback it could develop into a really good map for highlander. In my opinion, gullywash should be replaced with intermodal, gullywash just doesn’t feel like a HL map at all while lakeside is a good HL map that is also commonly played. So why replace lakeside?



cp_standin. That map is completely different than any other. :)



Swap week 2 & 6 around. If we’re gonna have experimental maps put them in week 2/3 not later in the season where the games mean more.



swap reservoir with lakeside


(ETF2L Donator)

What, didn’t even notice lakeside was gone.. Why are you doing this to me


can’t we have Lakeside instead of Reservoir and maybe for the first time ever a Swiftwater instead of Barnblitz?

Is conga still banned btw?


(ETF2L Donator)


he even says that we shouldn’t just state “remove x for y” and you still do it. fucking great.



reservoir is an untested map that hasn’t justified itself for inclusion in a season. meanwhile lakeside is a fairly stable map that not everyone hates and sees some playtime every now and then.

if you want to include new maps, wait for currently developed maps to get some more betatesting before including them in a season. people whining that we need new maps need to realise that we have no maps to replace the current map pool with.



if you’re gonna remove a koth remove viaduct. Haven’t played on reservoir yet but not too many playtests on it yet so maybe next season?


Dr. med.

Introducing a map most people didn’t even hear about before is an… interesting move. While I’m all for new maps in the main season, testing them in a Once Night Cup or Nations Cup or the like would be preferable, IMHO.

Intermodal has been tested, and the feedback was quite good. Whereas Gullywash mostly favours 6s gameplay and classes and is thus less suitable for HL.

Lakeside is a tried and tested KOTH map and I wouldn’t really like to see it go. But I see the point that a map has to go in order to introduce a new one IF it is deemed worthy.


Fe |

Cleaner’s Carbine should be tested again. It was restricted before this change (7.02.2014 patch):

Changed On Kill effect from gain crits for 3 seconds to gain mini-crits for 8 seconds.

I’d take a look at the B.A.S.E. Jumper because of the exploit (it’s banned in UGC).

Last edited by Lex,

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