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idea for a change in the playoffs

Created 16th April 2014 @ 22:43

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i cant remember who suggested this to me but what if the prem playoffs (for 6v6) were played like a tournament on one day rather than stretching on for weeks
the positives of this would be that the finals would be more hype and you cant get a PLAY OR BAN incident. also the season wouldnt take as long so it wouldnt overlap with the beginning of the next highlander season
the problem is that if you couldnt play the date of the playoffs (set at the start of the season) there would be no negotiation

each game would take a maximum of 2 hours to play (assuming nothing goes wrong) which is 6 hours total. since something always goes wrong you could add in an hour of leeway between the quarter and semi, and the semi and final. so the tournament would last a max of 8 hours. the tournament could start at 14-15CET and end by 22-23CET

personally i think this would be much better than the current system and im curious as to what others think of it


(Legendary Ratehacks)

Imagine the 4th seed winning all games till final = 6-8 h of gaming in total
Everybody will be super tired and prolly bad final



The way playoffs work would need to change so all teams played the same amount of matches.



Quoted from smziii

Imagine the 4th seed winning all games till final = 6-8 h of gaming in total
Everybody will be super tired and prolly bad final

maximum of 4.5 hours map time if all games go to 3 maps
i agree its a lot but its the middle of the day in the comfort of your own home with breaks
id say its less tiring than a lan



It’s a good idea, but ultimately it depends on whether or not Prem teams would prefer this over the current format (which is still very good). Maybe spreading it over 2 days would be better?



Quoted from smziii

Imagine the 4th seed winning all games till final = 6-8 h of gaming in total
Everybody will be super tired and prolly bad final

wouldn’t this only affect the 4th and 3rd seed as 1st and 2nd seed get to play less games

Last edited by ondkaja,


“Only prem players have Life”



Quoted from ondkaja

[…]wouldn’t this only affect the 4th and 3rd seed as 1st and 2nd seed get to play less games

It will basically affect 4th-2nd seed; 4th/3rd may have 3 matches and 2nd seed two matches in one night. Only one not affected would be the 1st seed.

I personally wouldn’t want a final where one of the teams is super exhausted from the three games before hand (warmup+first two playoffs) – don’t forget, usually those playoffs are super close, more often than not ending in 3 maps and the occasional GC included.

I also like the fact that the current system allows the teams participating to prepare for each opponent individually which in my opinion leads to closer games.

Edit: Perm is a nitpicking fudge.

Last edited by ash,



Would be way better really, but could also go disastrously wrong.

Might be an idea to use similar timing to ESEA, where they have the playoffs on one day and then the final has a day of it’s own. Obviously that’s on lan so it’s far easier to organise, but it would be the ideal system I think.

Last edited by kaidus,



Quoted from Hildreth

Maybe spreading it over 2 days would be better?

Quoted from kaidus

Might be an idea to use similar timing to ESEA, where they have the playoffs on one day and then the final has a day of it’s own.

this seems like a better idea
quarter final + semi final on a sunday afternoon/evening and the final at the normal time on the monday after



I feel like the main issue with this system would be that it’d be near impossible for teams to warmup properly for those games. I doubt anyone would want to play the most important games of their season at 14 CET without a proper warmup…


LAN finals like umericans.. just without the LAN?
Saturday/Sunday. Leave Sunday for final.


(Toucan Ambassador)

I like the fact that the current system gives teams time to prepare, but I think there is an excessive amount of time wasted. The 3 week playoff period could be condensed in to 1 week with set play dates known from the start of the season (if you can’t play QQ).

The quantity and quality of practise available for the top 4 seems to drop off a cliff edge beyond the mop up week anyway. Keeping things more condensed seems like a slam dunk.

So to the OP I request a compromise: you say 1 day, I say 1 week!

Last edited by Admirable,



I agree with admirable, a week seems more reasonable than just 1 day.

The current 3 week system is just a waste of time, even though it allows the teams more time to prepare for the big games (but the season should prepare the teams no?)



It is like this to accomodate the teams more (we are all in it for the fun, aren’t we?). Having fixed dates for the playoffs would certainly better for specatators and hype and would also remove a lot of the drama involved in the process of scheduling the playoff matches. However, there is always the risk of lower quality games cause one team might not have their main lineup ready on the set date – which actually happens on a regular basis with the current system as well.

+1 to this idea. It would also extend the period in between seasons.

edit: typo

Last edited by CanFo,

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