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[Highlander Season 6] Provisional Feedback

Created 16th February 2014 @ 19:00

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Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from Oxy

we already have to play 9 maps in 7 weeks! That coupled with the fact the season overlaps with pretty much everything (UGC, Wireplay, 6v6) means its an awful idea. If you really expect us to find time to practise all these then your wrong.
Then find someway to make the koth/cp maps work, possibly with a similar scoring system to the pl maps somehow. Maybe something like UGC style for them so they ain’t over in 30 mins though I understand that would be confusing for new people.

The entire highlander community was pretty much forced to practice 2 or 3 maps a week, to get twice as less points for each of them, and were limited to an equal amount of 5cp and koth maps in the map pool for 5 seasons because… because reasons.



if your going to run the season at the same time as everything else, just make the season simple like oxy said, less maps so people dont have to spend time practicing everything as much would be nice


Arti Rush

Coalplant would be nice.



As I said, 4 cp maps in a HL season is too much and unneeded.



Quoted from Max

As I said, 4 cp maps in a HL season is too much and unneeded.

4 cp maps of which 2 differ greatly from the other 2 too much to be even considered the same gamemode


I get syncing the cp_steel week, but there’s no reason for Gravelpit to even appear in the season. Wouldn’t mind Ashville making an appearance instead of Lakeside.



cp_process is a disgrace for hl, remove pls


UbeR |

Quoted from Oxy

What I would do:

Week 1: cp_steel
Week 2: koth_pro_viaduct_rc4
Week 3: pl_upward
Week 4: koth_lakeside_final
Week 5: pl_badwater
Week 6: cp_process_final
Week 7: pl_barnblitz_pro4

i agree with oxy. both steel AND gravelpit is a bit much. enjoying the map depends on so many things, and they’re both “complex” enough that focusing on both will get tiresome. especially when youve got weeks where you have to play 2 maps (cp + koth).

also agree with bulow that just doing this a bit later will be a lot more fun. delay it by a few weeks so it doesnt clash with wireplay so much. then just do the nations cups after that if people are up for them


Fe |

I hate Barnblitz, but neither Swiftwater nor Borneo are good alternatives. Can’t think of another map here.

Weapon bans are fine. I’m curious about the Cleaner’s Carbine, has anyone tested it after the changes? It doesn’t seem overpowered anymore, you won’t be able to no-scope a Medic after getting a Carbine kill.

Quoted from nijoonen

I hate the clash between Wireplay and ETF2L so much. The maps are okay, Arctic instead of Lakeside wouldn’t hurt, same with Warmfront instead of Gully.

I agree. Warmfront isn’t bad, I prefer Croissant though. Arctic is a decent alternative to Lakeside (apart from the snow).

Quoted from Scissors



Never really liked the map before, but when they started making random tunnels everywhere for no apparent reason I just couldn’t take it seriously anymore

Definitely not “for no apparent reason”. People kept complaining to Arnold that there weren’t enough alternative routes/flanks, only one way to second, etc. It’s much better than it was. It’s also optimized in terms of FPS.

Last edited by Lex,



Quoted from Muuki


4 cp maps of which 2 differ greatly from the other 2 too much to be even considered the same gamemode

I know, but cp maps in general (let it be 5cp or A/D) is just way too different from other maps made for HL (koth and pl)

And cp maps should be in minority, but instead they let every single cp map getting played in this season. Its unnecesary.



Quoted from Max


I know, but cp maps in general (let it be 5cp or A/D) is just way too different from other maps made for HL (koth and pl)

And cp maps should be in minority, but instead they let every single cp map getting played in this season. Its unnecesary.

A/D maps are sort of like PL maps, the attack and defend gamemode just based around a different objective with opens up different strategical possibilities and ways of playing maps. They generally offer the biggest variations in tactics. Koth and 5cp are more similar to eachother than A/D and 5cp in terms of how they play.



ctf_haunt_b2 !!


Arti Rush

Week 1: plr_hightower.
Week 2: plr_whalerace.
Week 3: cp_cloak.
Week 4: cp_degrootkeep.
Week 5: ph_007facility_a4.
Week 6: tf2db_catland_v1.
Week 7: surf_insanity.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Sabesaroo

Week 1: plr_hightower.
Week 2: plr_whalerace.
Week 3: cp_cloak.
Week 4: cp_degrootkeep.
Week 5: ph_007facility_a4.
Week 6: tf2db_catland_v1.
Week 7: surf_insanity.




Quoted from Sabesaroo

Week 2: plr_whalerace.

Why not? :(

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