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Reduce wildcards to 1

Created 30th January 2014 @ 21:09

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… and in that case you got that one wildcard.

We reduced wildcards to just a single one because many teams are too lazy to schedule actively, and more often than not would rather use their wildcards instead of trying to sort something out with the opponents.

We are hoping to push teams towards active communication with each other instead of hiding behind rules and wildcards.

Of course we are aware that some teams might get the short end of the stick – which you can counter by having sufficiently active backup players on your roster, or communicating merc issues with the opponents early. I am sure most teams wouldn’t mind re-scheduling a game if possible within that same match week (which btw is the reason you should try to play all your officials as early as possible, and not always on Thursday of that match week).



I understand I might be a unique case, or represent a minority, but I’ve been trying to get in touch with every team as soon as I could, being communicative as you said, and in the end my team was the one who got fucked by having its mercs denied because wildcard wasn’t here.
Again, our wildcard was used because the other team showed the opposite of fairplay, not because we were hiding behind it to compensate our non-communication.
Anyway I don’t see my situation bringing back another wilcard for next season or anything, just to point out that is wildcards were reduce to one to punish non-active team leaders, here it’s the exact opposite.



It’s your own fault for asking for a merc 20 minutes before a match, a wildcard should literally only be for emergencies if you use it correctly. 1 a season is fine.



They would have denied a merc whenever it was requested, surely?



Quoted from fraac

They would have denied a merc whenever it was requested, surely?

Giving them time to find a more suitable merc, and if the team doesn’t want to allow mercs then it’s your fault for poor scheduling. There’s always a reason.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Permzilla


Giving them time to find a more suitable merc, and if the team doesn’t want to allow mercs then it’s your fault for poor scheduling. There’s always a reason.

If people actually told they couldn’t play in time, this would make sense.

But we live in the real world



Quoted from Permzilla

It’s your own fault for asking for a merc 20 minutes before a match, a wildcard should literally only be for emergencies if you use it correctly. 1 a season is fine.

The merc wasn’t proposed that late



Permzilla is suggesting you should’ve added players to your roster once you knew mercs wouldn’t be allowed.



Quoted from fraac

Permzilla is suggesting you should’ve added players to your roster once you knew mercs wouldn’t be allowed.

No, I’m saying if you schedule a game knowing you need mercs, you should definitely not leave it until 20 minutes before the game to ask.



Yes, because you would have to add players to the roster, which takes a day.


Quoted from ash

… and in that case you got that one wildcard.

We reduced wildcards to just a single one because many teams are too lazy to schedule actively, and more often than not would rather use their wildcards instead of trying to sort something out with the opponents.

We are hoping to push teams towards active communication with each other instead of hiding behind rules and wildcards.

Of course we are aware that some teams might get the short end of the stick – which you can counter by having sufficiently active backup players on your roster, or communicating merc issues with the opponents early. I am sure most teams wouldn’t mind re-scheduling a game if possible within that same match week (which btw is the reason you should try to play all your officials as early as possible, and not always on Thursday of that match week).

This is really good to punish the lazy team leaders, but some teams might get extremely unlucky maybe because of vacations, exams or other real life stuff,in other words, things you can’t prevent unless you have good subs, which is hard to find, since a lot of subs want to play in higher divs than they actually belong in.

I am not saying that 1 or 2 wildcards is ideal, but lazy team leaders will STILL use that one wildcard and this will only force them to do reschedule maybe not even once whilst it punishes random teams.

Well ok I am saying that 2 wildcards is ideal.


Quoted from Collaide


This is really good to punish the lazy team leaders, but some teams might get extremely unlucky maybe because of vacations, exams or other real life stuff,in other words, things you can’t prevent unless you have good subs, which is hard to find, since a lot of subs want to play in higher divs than they actually belong in.

Well you should know about that in advance and schedule around it. And you being unable to find good subs is no excuse to not have them. Many players will backup in a lower div.


Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE


Well you should know about that in advance and schedule around it. And you being unable to find good subs is no excuse to not have them. Many players will backup in a lower div.

Well of course. However, there might be some douches who are not willing to do this just because they want an easy default win.

Also yes you are correct about the subs.

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