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ETF2L Source vids

Created 23rd January 2014 @ 13:58

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Hey guys i’m an aspiring caster and i’d like to know what i need to do to get the latest replays, i want to be on the scene for the latest ETF2L

If you have some vods to send, find me on YT @Welicious Esports and send them to
[email protected]

Many thanks in advance.





No offence but have you played comp tf2 before? I don’t know if this is just a new account you’ve made, so if it is my bad. My point though is that if you’ve never played competitively it’s unlikely you’ll be able to make any accurate insights into plays teams could make. So if all you do is play by play commentary that’s cool, but usually that is accompanied by someone that is more analytical of the game eg. Tasteless and Artosis. They’re the best example really of the perfect (IMO) casting duo, personally I’d recommend getting someone more experienced in the game to cast with you or just play comp for a bit to get to know the map place names/player names.



Quoted from kermit

No offence but have you played comp tf2 before? I don’t know if this is just a new account you’ve made, so if it is my bad. My point though is that if you’ve never played competitively it’s unlikely you’ll be able to make any accurate insights into plays teams could make. So if all you do is play by play commentary that’s cool, but usually that is accompanied by someone that is more analytical of the game eg. Tasteless and Artosis. They’re the best example really of the perfect (IMO) casting duo, personally I’d recommend getting someone more experienced in the game to cast with you or just play comp for a bit to get to know the map place names/player names.

You are in fact correct


(Legendary Ratehacks)

i think u got a pretty good voice for casting nevertheless i totally agree with kermit you need a partner that can help you out with basic tf2 knowledge and stuff

maybe add “admirable” he usually is up for bringing in new faces to casts and iam sure he will give you a shot or atleast some tipps

PS: saw your bad casting experience Video and if that Video is about “suddenlystarmia” then pls dont get any help from her cuz she is a dreadful caster

Last edited by smziii,

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