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MGE Demoman Map Pool - discuss

Created 5th June 2013 @ 17:32

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MGE – EndIf
MGE – Process Middle
MGE – Snakewater Middle
MGE – Badlands Middle
MGE – NoSplash / Directs
MGE – Granary Last
MGE – Ammomod

Don’t play much demo MGE, but those are my intial thoughts. Must be decided by saturday evening, post your thoughts !

EDIT: Updated the map pool thoughts thoughts ! Also no stickies seems to be the majority rule so far

Last edited by Maniac,


followup: stickies yes or no?


(a boT from the North)

Quoted from Maniac

followup: stickies yes or no?

It depends if what the focus is, pipe aim or?


i guess stickies could be decided pre-game by the players, but if one person says no then the match is played without because who plays demo MGE with sticks anyway, so dumb. and if sticks are allowed then it will basically be 100% sticks unless both players manage to beef a whole clip, which is unlikely in a 1v1 situation on a tiny MGE map
if you want a definitive yes/no then no because stickies are boring in MGE.

imo spire (and gully mid to an extent) would be shit with no stickies though

Last edited by Falcon0408,



haha 1v1 wth stickies… would be fucked up



Endif only. Everything else is retarded in demo 1v1.



no sticks



I only play MGE with stickies and pipes, it’s pointless to play using one and using stickies I only play versus Sheepy and make him mad anyway.

Maps? Don’t matter…


Quoted from Maniac

followup: stickies yes or no?

If you could do like some DM servers and “block” the stickies to 3 yes if not dont allow stickies


No stickies please.

Also, Instead of all those normal maps at least no splash and endif should be included IMO.

No splash is the one that rewards pipe aim the best.

For normal maps anything thats not full of really high stuff, badlands mid, granary last and snakewater mid are probably the best and the most fun out there for demo, especially granary last.

Just imagine playing on gully mid with stickies, no, please no. And this is coming from someone who mains demo.



allow stickies, its not that hard

edit: 6v6 maps only, get used to it

Last edited by vani,


(a boT from the North)

How about having both demomen starting from spawn and basically competing with the rollout to get a better advantage in the mid 1vs1-fight ?

Altough then a diffrent config would be needed :C

Last edited by Toba,


UbeR |

Demoman 1v1 is extremely boring on any map except for directs or endif

Either allows stickies (&sticky jumper) or make map pool directs & endif only



Spire is meh I think as demo.
For pure 1v1 fights no sticks, for DM allow a few stickies.

Then again, as demo I always feel that there isn’t really any place for me in MGE…


any map in which you have to get on higher platform is stupid for demomen.

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