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Switching over to the NA scoring system

Created 14th March 2013 @ 16:41

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8 winlimit, first to 5 on any single half, each half is a different map with timelimit 30.



The only thing I think is stopping this rule-set or a improved version of the NA one, is the EU stance towards either…

Playing one map per match. Matches need to happen once a week and you play each opponent once on a random map. Maps are only played once.


Playing one map per match. Matches need to happen twice a week and you play each opponent twice where both times have different maps. Maps are played in ad-least two matches.

Can I get some feedback on what people would prefer?

Personally I would prefer matches twice a week where the map stays the same during that week but you playing against two different opponents.

(P.S ETF2L if you’re actually going to change the ruleset. Next season is the perfect time to do it because at the moment. The mappool & unlocks you just used went down so swimmingly. People wont mind those being the things about the season that weren’t changed.)


(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from TurboTabs

Playing one map per match. Matches need to happen twice a week and you play each opponent twice where both times have different maps. Maps are played in ad-least two matches.

This is the ESEA system.

Each week has a set map, but you play two fixtures in a week against different opponents.

You play each team twice in a season, so over the course of a season you still play each team on two different maps, just not in one sitting.

You would still play 14 maps in a season. Still 2 maps against the 7 other teams in your division. The only difference is that you have 14 fixtures 1 map in length, instead of 7 fixtures of 2 maps.

I’m not sure where the confusion has come in, but I have skimmed this topic and it seems a lot of people are basing their arguments of an incorrect picture of how things actually work in NA. I blame the OP! :D

In terms of scheduling it is slightly more chaotic, as the range of times a map can take to play out has increased. In the same vein, it is also more flexible; which might be great for coverage.

For me, this is the trade off that we need to consider; some scheduling uncertainty and a potentially painful transition period versus elevating our game to new levels.



For me personally and my team it’s not that good to play officials on two days of the week. It’s hard enough already to get them to agree to officials on one :/


I personally like the Euro scheduling as it is right now.



Quoted from private_meta

For me personally and my team it’s not that good to play officials on two days of the week. It’s hard enough already to get them to agree to officials on one :/

Maybe if people don’t want to play, they probably just shouldn’t be in a team? just a thought.



do the scoring like esea ( 2 halves first to 5 bla bla bla )
I have what i think is a cool idea for next season, get a bigger map pool (add maybe koth maps, gpit, freight, a 3cp map?????)
but the map pool will be bigger then the number of weeks; lets says for example there are 6 weeks – have 10 maps.
then for each official a team gets to pick which map they play ( that would mean 1 enemy per week and 2 maps on the same day)
but heres the catch, u can only pick a map once in the season.
i think that would be great cus u are gonna be able to play one of ur strong maps and have to play against ur oponents’ stronge maps so its leveled
and for the teams picking old maps or new ones with new tactcs comes down to mindgames
hope u actually read this and give me some feed back!

Last edited by juan,



Quoted from juan

do the scoring like esea ( 2 halves first to 5 bla bla bla )
I have what i think is a cool idea for next season, get a bigger map pool (add maybe koth maps, gpit, freight, a 3cp map?????)
but the map pool will be bigger then the number of weeks; lets says for example there are 6 weeks – have 10 maps.
then for each official a team gets to pick which map they play ( that would mean 1 enemy per week and 2 maps on the same day)
but heres the catch, u can only pick a map once in the season.
i think that would be great cus u are gonna be able to play one of ur strong maps and have to play against ur oponents’ stronge maps so its leveled
and for the teams picking old maps or new ones with new tactcs comes down to mindgames
hope u actually read this and give me some feed back!




I think there’s nothing wrong and many things right about considering the potential for making good telly.



I would like to have Na scoring system and instead of Granary we could try viaduct or another map.


(ETF2L Donator)

Seems people have forgotten the point of switching to the NA ruleset along the course of the thread; to have a consistent ruleset across the whole world. You can’t make tiny changes to it because that would defeat the purpose. Why can’t they switch to ours? Because more people play their way. Doesn’t mean their rules are better, just that it’s more convenient for us to switch. Personally, I wouldn’t mind a change to the NA ruleset, but I think it should be tested in cups first or maybe a mini season between 15 and 16 to trial it for 16.

Spike Himself


Quoted from DavidTheWin

Seems people have forgotten the point of switching to the NA ruleset along the course of the thread; to have a consistent ruleset across the whole world. You can’t make tiny changes to it because that would defeat the purpose. Why can’t they switch to ours? Because more people play their way. Doesn’t mean their rules are better, just that it’s more convenient for us to switch. Personally, I wouldn’t mind a change to the NA ruleset, but I think it should be tested in cups first or maybe a mini season between 15 and 16 to trial it for 16.

Personally I disagree with this; the main purpose of switching to an NA ruleset is not unity – that’s merely a fortunate side effect. The reason they don’t switch to our ruleset is also not because the majority uses theirs (regardless of whether or not that’s actually the case).

For me personally it’s very clear cut: The NA rule system is better, in that it promotes more interesting (offensive) plays.



I like the one-map-a-week aspect. You could properly study a map and improve.

Last edited by fraac,





Quoted from Sideshow

Wouldn’t it make scheduling pcws, officials and cups an absolute nightmare? I don’t understand how the americans manage it…

It would be the same though?

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