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Is S14 maplist a joke?

Created 27th December 2012 @ 21:24

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this is the best maplist EVAR!!!


So lets this right, you wants maps in the pool that will only be played for two weeks in the whole year because after the season teams wont want to PCW on it or play on it?

as much as the maplist is lacking, its the maps we all play and will continue to play through the year



Quoted from Old_Grandma

this is the best maplist EVAR!!!



Quoted from Skully

So lets this right, you wants maps in the pool that will only be played for two weeks in the whole year because after the season teams wont want to PCW on it or play on it?

as much as the maplist is lacking, its the maps we all play and will continue to play through the year

Unlike Turbine or Obscure, it wasn’t too hard finding games on Gravelpit, even off-season. What are you talking about?



Quoted from ondkaja


Unlike Turbine or Obscure, it wasn’t too hard finding games on Gravelpit, even off-season. What are you talking about?

Obscure was far easier in my experience. There was a lot of QQ, definitely, but seriously soon as someone even says gravel pit people used to quit on us – obs at least ticked the 5cp box that people were after.

At a guess though, vaguely basing it off your season history – playing div5/6 means there’s a lot more teams around that level where you would’ve been able to get gravel pit. Unlike last season: getting turbine around div3/4 which might be skewing your experience a bit there.

In the end though, whichever is marginally better doesn’t really matter because they all get dwarfed completely by the five maps selected for the pool. It is bland, but it’s really the truth of the situation. Hopefully some new maps will trickle in as people say though.


UbeR |

I haven’t really seen much of cp_metalworks.

Those who did, can I ask you to give me your opinion on it?
I’m wondering if it could be a good addition to the map pool for an upcoming season.

I do not have a problem with this map pool aside from it being rather one-sided with the 5cp maps. I do feel that things such as Gravel or Turbine would add more variety and would be fun to play, but if it’s not possible it’s not possible.
The only small problem i have with it is that it’s quite few maps and that they are played quite a lot throughout the season. But that’s cool as well.

@ Dr ice cream, i feel like you are right.
You also made me realise im one of those people that is trying to progress too fast while im not capable of it yet. i wanna take it slower from now on.

Dr Icecream

Quoted from wolve

But if it took you 2,5 seasons to get out of division 6 you were probably just really bad.

We weren’t bad, there were more unlocks, playoffs to get into div 5 (which we failed on the very last map twice) and a map pool which had CTF, A/D and 5 CP maps in it.

I also want to note that competitive games like COD, CS:S, CS 1.6, League of Legends have a very limited map pool as well, however these games continue to increase in popularity, comp-wise.

2011 was a horrible year when it came to admins. Not due to the fact that the admins were shit, because they weren’t (apart from you Hildreth, still hate you for picking up your dick teammate from Birmingham Airport, xoxo), but because of the heavy in- and outflow of admins. Now we have an established admin team, we just need the stable playerbase that we had circa 3 years ago. The only way to get a good view of the community’s needs, is by knowing what your community looks like. And there it’s the community’s job to stay somewhat stable.

It’s easy to have 20 prem players (or even a team that has stuck together like .:ne:. Blu for example) that stay around in more or less the same teams to say “We don’t want unlocks”, and then have 600 players in div 3 and below that switch teams every so often trying to get unlocks back in ETF2L.
It’s like having two job interviews, one with a guy who has been with the same company for 5 years and says he’s looking for a new challenge, or a guy who’s had 20 different jobs over 5 years and says he’s looking for a new challenge.
Your intentions can be the best, but there’s more than just intentions required to convince an admin team to engage in a meaningful conversation.

Quoted from EvoWarrior5

@ Dr ice cream, i feel like you are right.
You also made me realise im one of those people that is trying to progress too fast while im not capable of it yet. i wanna take it slower from now on.

I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not, but in case you aren’t: Progress can’t come too fast, it’s just the way you try to make it that matters :)



Quoted from Nymthae


Obscure was far easier in my experience. There was a lot of QQ, definitely, but seriously soon as someone even says gravel pit people used to quit on us – obs at least ticked the 5cp box that people were after.

At a guess though, vaguely basing it off your season history – playing div5/6 means there’s a lot more teams around that level where you would’ve been able to get gravel pit. Unlike last season: getting turbine around div3/4 which might be skewing your experience a bit there.

In the end though, whichever is marginally better doesn’t really matter because they all get dwarfed completely by the five maps selected for the pool. It is bland, but it’s really the truth of the situation. Hopefully some new maps will trickle in as people say though.

Maybe, but I played Obscure on the same level I played Gpit and Gpit games were easier to get, in my experience.



Quoted from Old_Grandma

this is the best maplist EVAR!!!


UbeR |

Quoted from Dr Icecream



I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not, but in case you aren’t: Progress can’t come too fast, it’s just the way you try to make it that matters :)

Nope, wasn’t sarcastic :P
I try to work as much on progress as I can, and I have the friends to do so with I believe. I’ll see how much I’m worth throughout this season and I’m gonna try to improve as much as I can



your opinion is as important as a dog’s shit in the street.


Quoted from wolve


I do agree with a lot of what you said, but to be honest these days it is a lot easier to progress through the divisions because there are better ways to practice and easier ways to learn. Back then there was no MGE and no DM servers (well, except dm_store). There were no streams of good players and no in-depth analysis of gameplay or mentors.

But if it took you 2,5 seasons to get out of division 6 you were probably just really bad.

Nope back then it took skill and using your own brain and initiative to progress.

I spent ages watching other good players playing pickup 2 etc.. Literally spent days watching Numlock, Justice, F2, Byte, Fragga, Ryb, Lofty, Jh & Joske just to name a few without any comm’s.

Just my own thoughts as to why they did what they did, this helped me learn the game along with just playing, I then proceeded to spend my time passing on what I had learned from them to others.

However I would not say all the guide these days make players progress quicker, the skill level is lower.

People can watch guides till they are blue in the face, if they don’t understand why they should do what they should do they will not progress.

Mentoring or demo reviews are still the best method, reviewing your own demo’s will still teach you a lot. People can see their own mistakes, maybe they just choose to ignore them?

Also the ability to be able to play in PU2 helped.

Flaming incoming.

Last edited by Stimpy,



I would have really loved to see gpit/freight, maybe even warmfront. But all the maps are good and fun to play on so there shouldn’t be any issues really.


would like to see how cp_evergreen pans out looks like an interesting map (havent played it in 6’s format yet but it looks cool)



Quoted from THE_WILLY

Since when became 5CP the only mode in TF2? Why there is no GRAVEL PIT or a KotH map? Why it has to be so boring?

i am with him!

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