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Is S14 maplist a joke?

Created 27th December 2012 @ 21:24

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Add viaduct for 1 snakewater pls.

Still rock solid maps.



Granary only twice?

I can’t blame anyone for making this maplist. It is however, bland and unimaginative. Gravel pit awards (or punishes) team game-play on so many level that I will never understand people who moan about it for being “slow” and stuff. That map IS Team Fortress.

Alas, we all have our own opinion, so it’s fine.

Looking forward to this season and letting Drackk of the hook so I could build uber with a certain pocket Scout. :)



This does not mean, the map pool will stay at these 5 maps forever. We will continue to try out other maps in cups during- and off season and if a map becomes an obvious choice (like snakewater, for example), we will notice it.


\V/ Gold

Quoted from Koeitje

Granary only twice?

same as last season iirc.


I just want a different game mode and everything will be perfect for me :D

Viaduct_pro or gravelpit, pretty please! Or try out another new up and coming map like process which was a huge success and finally added a little variety to the map pool

Dr Icecream

I have logged in for the very first time in a long time, just because this thread was giving me a tumor.

I haven’t played comp TF2 in a long time anymore, and here’s why:

Back in 2009, when I started playing, div 4 was actually considered a division where a certain skill level was required already. Teams would be somewhat more stable, and try and work their way up from div 6 to any higher division (I can still remember it taking us 2,5 season – AFS included, to get to div 5).

Right now, anyone entering ETF2L or after a month or two in a couple of division 5/6 teams, automatically claims to be div 3/4.

It’s these people, who switch teams faster than I change my underwear on a monthly base (yes, I’m disgusting), who attempt to start shitstorms about map pools, unlock, rulesets and whatever they can find.

If you want a change to be made in ETF2L, consider this:

Being an ETF2L admin isn’t easy, it’s something the guys in the ETF2L staff do voluntarily, and takes up more time than you can imagine. And with the choice of this map pool, they had to make a choice.
They’ve tried to make the league a bit more “noob friendly” again, by allowing certain unlocks to be used. On the other hand, they’ve listened to the players/ teams who are an established value and have stayed more or less the same over at least a year.

So if you feel like you could do a better job, running a league, there are 3 options:

– Start your own league. See how much work it is, how time consuming it is, and IF you should succeed, I’ll be the first person to applaud you for successfully starting and maintaining a league, though I’m sure it’ll last as long as the longest period you’ve spent in one team.
– Apply for the ETF2L admin team, see what admins need to deal with throughout every season. I’m sure an admin’s job is easy. It’s not like they have to keep a close eye on scheduled games’ deadlines, requests in IRC, forum moderation, while at the same time trying to improve ETF2L and make preparations for different upcoming leagues and cups, right?
– Try and stay in one team for a change, whether it be as a lower divisions team or you work your way up the divisions (that’s right! People CAN actually still promote through divsions by just playing good!) and become an established team in ETF2L. Once you’re around for long enough, as a stable team, the ETF2L staff will always mind your opinion and even actively contact you to hear you out on your opinion.

It’s easy for anyone to say a map pool is shit. But it takes more than just that to actually make a difference.


Quoted from Dr Icecream

I have logged in for the very first time in a long time, just because this thread was giving me a tumor.

I haven’t played comp TF2 in a long time anymore, and here’s why:

Back in 2009, when I started playing, div 4 was actually considered a division where a certain skill level was required already. Teams would be somewhat more stable, and try and work their way up from div 6 to any higher division (I can still remember it taking us 2,5 season – AFS included, to get to div 5).

Right now, anyone entering ETF2L or after a month or two in a couple of division 5/6 teams, automatically claims to be div 3/4.

It’s these people, who switch teams faster than I change my underwear on a monthly base (yes, I’m disgusting), who attempt to start shitstorms about map pools, unlock, rulesets and whatever they can find.

If you want a change to be made in ETF2L, consider this:

Being an ETF2L admin isn’t easy, it’s something the guys in the ETF2L staff do voluntarily, and takes up more time than you can imagine. And with the choice of this map pool, they had to make a choice.
They’ve tried to make the league a bit more “noob friendly” again, by allowing certain unlocks to be used. On the other hand, they’ve listened to the players/ teams who are an established value and have stayed more or less the same over at least a year.

So if you feel like you could do a better job, running a league, there are 3 options:

– Start your own league. See how much work it is, how time consuming it is, and IF you should succeed, I’ll be the first person to applaud you for successfully starting and maintaining a league, though I’m sure it’ll last as long as the longest period you’ve spent in one team.
– Apply for the ETF2L admin team, see what admins need to deal with throughout every season. I’m sure an admin’s job is easy. It’s not like they have to keep a close eye on scheduled games’ deadlines, requests in IRC, forum moderation, while at the same time trying to improve ETF2L and make preparations for different upcoming leagues and cups, right?
– Try and stay in one team for a change, whether it be as a lower divisions team or you work your way up the divisions (that’s right! People CAN actually still promote through divsions by just playing good!) and become an established team in ETF2L. Once you’re around for long enough, as a stable team, the ETF2L staff will always mind your opinion and even actively contact you to hear you out on your opinion.

It’s easy for anyone to say a map pool is shit. But it takes more than just that to actually make a difference.

I wish there was a LIKE button. ;)



+2 Dr Icecream


+1 to the Doc

We were just kidding – here the real map pool:

ctf_turbine (not the pro version)

on an propbably more serious note – I would like to see gpit back as some here, however the cons are to be considered. Just when I started to like it after all those seasons … :D


Quoted from Netsky

ctf_turbine (not the pro version)

No cp_dustbowl? This list looks like a bad joke.



Quoted from Dr Icecream

I have logged in for the very first time in a long time, just because this thread was giving me a tumor.

I haven’t played comp TF2 in a long time anymore, and here’s why:

Back in 2009, when I started playing, div 4 was actually considered a division where a certain skill level was required already. Teams would be somewhat more stable, and try and work their way up from div 6 to any higher division (I can still remember it taking us 2,5 season – AFS included, to get to div 5).

Right now, anyone entering ETF2L or after a month or two in a couple of division 5/6 teams, automatically claims to be div 3/4.

I do agree with a lot of what you said, but to be honest these days it is a lot easier to progress through the divisions because there are better ways to practice and easier ways to learn. Back then there was no MGE and no DM servers (well, except dm_store). There were no streams of good players and no in-depth analysis of gameplay or mentors.

But if it took you 2,5 seasons to get out of division 6 you were probably just really bad.


Great map pool, just missing gravelpit and it would be perfect, for me, but everyone else seems to hate it so I can see why it’s a good decision.


Dr. med.

Just wondering, when was a KOTH map like Viaduct tried out the last time? What is the reason for not including it in the Map pool to achieve a bit more of game mode diversity?



Im not a big fan of Koth maps, they lower the technical team aspect of the game below the norm required and make DM far more important. Thinking of Viaduct, it’s a mid fight where DM is king, followed by an uber hold vs uber push unless the defending team starts throwing players away.

my main hope is that the new maps that are being constructed meet a level of quality to keep people happy like Process did and we can have a few new additions to teh map pool that way.

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