Allow Track Terrorizer?
Created 15th September 2012 @ 10:20
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I’m not an item man, but I decided to craft all my backpack to get scout stuff. Crafted a track terorizer that seems cool, only to find its not on the whitelist.
probably cus whitelist not updated yet or it got released after the whitelist update
I thought the config/whitelist just got updated a few days ago?
Also I think this is an old item?
Last edited by Trath,
It’s allowed in the newest whitelist at least. But a lot of servers are running on very old ones..
Thrawn’s site automatically updates the whitelist :)
Is it not possible to have a script that automatically updates this on your server? (*pokes chris*)
There is apparently? :
Quoted from Trath
There is apparently? :
Thanks for the share, I’d never really thought about that before =)
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