Allowing a few unlocks?
Created 7th June 2012 @ 11:42
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Yes, the ubersaw is OP, but it is because the medic is seen as boring to play. I personally would be ok with it being removed and just keeping kritz.
I don’t think it is fair to say that because we allow medlocks we must allow others.
I don’t think it actually matters in the end, personally I find Vanilla more competitive and hence more fun, but as a few of the people I play with, I am “keen”. But I can see why some people might value fun over competitiveness, so there you go.
The medic does not simply runs into ppl and tries to hit them with ubersaw,most of the times it’s just critical situations ,like loosing mid or any point fight badly and taking a risk to get uber faster,it’s pure gambling,either he will succeed and hit some idiot with it and pop it,or he will just die and loose 50%+ charge that he had.
Although from all the unlocks i find Boston basher pretty acceptable into the next season. Not OP,helpful tool to build uber while team is not having soldiers and demo respawned
I wouldn’t mind to see the ubersaw, kritz, crossbow and blut gone to be honest.
Quoted from Rabb1T
The medic does not simply runs into ppl and tries to hit them with ubersaw
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Quoted from Spike Himself
I wouldn’t mind to see the ubersaw, kritz, crossbow and blut gone to be honest.
Whoa, kritz is ok. The others I can live without, but kritz adds something perfect.
I’m not saying it doesn’t, but you could say that about other unlocks too ^^
Quoted from Spike Himself
I’m not saying it doesn’t, but you could say that about other unlocks too ^^
Well I would argue that since TF2 is all about uber, it isn’t like other unlocks.
Quoted from Rabb1T
Go full vanilla next season.
Let’s just try it.
seems like an awfully weird way to test if something works
because we have far too many medics playing tf2 and we should do all we can to discourage medics.
Quoted from Rabb1T
Although from all the unlocks i find Boston basher pretty acceptable into the next season. Not OP,helpful tool to build uber while team is not having soldiers and demo respawned
I’m going to disagree, 2 out of the 4 standard 6v6 classes can build, there’s no need for scouts to be able to build uber. If you drop both your soldiers and demo then the punishment for those mistakes is not being able to build uber.
Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE
because we have far too many medics playing tf2 and we should do all we can to discourage medics.
Plenty of medics everywhere. Demomen however..
Kritz addressed a problem of stalemates and these monotonous uber battles that were prolific before the Medic Update. I think it is the only truly worthwhile addition to the original game design, because of the relationship it has with the Medigun and how it effects that core uber mechanic that underpins the game.
It has a clear risk-reward that effects your entire team; you sacrifice the ability to save your team for potential lethality. Then I look at things like Jarate or the Buff Banner where one player sacrifices a secondary weapon so the whole team can benefit, and I fail to see the trade-off.
The purist in me would be happy to see Ubersaw, Blutsauger and Crossbow banned too. In all honesty the Ubersaw is fucking imba, but the Medic Update was seen as the high point before things hit the slippery slope and so the Ubersaw and Blut were given sanctuary. I honestly don’t know how the fucking Crossbow made it in, but it is a genuinely interesting unlock (that I keep meaning to write an article on!).
For the record I was originally an advocate of unlocks and a fairly prolific abuser of the Equalizer, but after I tasted Darn’s ballsack I realised that vanilla was the simplest solution because it just ends the running debate (that was reignited every time a new weapon came out) once and for all.
The vanilla game under our current rule set is as enjoyable as ever and for me never really feels broken. Even the once hated and feared demoman is now well understood with majority of players and teams able to exploit his weakness or know when he has the upper hand.
Of course I see the potential of unlocks but equally I do not feel lost without them when playing. Players have learned to embrace the strengths limitations of their classes and the power of teamwork to overcome their opponents, which is something I personally feel is more rewarding.
Addendum: I think the ETF2L admins slipped the Crossbow as a last defiance to the vanilla campaign, so they wouldn’t have appeared to have caved in entirely. Either way it was added without consultation, but nobody gave a fuck and the Medics remained tight lipped :D
Last edited by Admirable,
Wow, after deciding what unlocks should be added to the game, medics decided to remove even their very own medlocks. Amusing conclusion.
Playing medic gives very few awesome moments of game changing skill, luck or bad judgement that all the other classes remind me they have a few times a game..medic down to stickies, awsome roaming solly bombs, scout meatshots wiping a weak team at mid etc.
The ubersaw gives the medic player the chance to get that 1 needed connection, re-equip medigun and save last point all on his own or just to save himself, it gives us the chance to get the adrenalin pumping and actually DO something that can change the match, without really unbalancing anything, walking dispensers aint gonna get a three man after all, but that 10 seconds boost to uber charging time can actually make a difference, make us worthwhile, let us achieve something other than another nice uber save of your over extending demoman. (Wow, long sentence is long!)
That’s why it should remain in the game, we medics need to have some fun too you know! Also, I just got a ‘demo’s killed’ counter for my ubersaw, so ban it and face the wrath of a Monkeh!
Last edited by Monkeh,
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