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How is this decision fair?

Created 11th October 2011 @ 17:37

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Quoted from maggles!

Then the rules are ALMOST as backwards as you …




tl;dr just replay the god damn map and get over to the other official matches *sigh*



Quoted from CanFo

I understand that you are upset by the way your opponent responded to your player missing and that they exploited the circumstance that he was in the hospital. I am also very sorry that Shifty was in an accident and I wish he will get well soon.
However, this does not give you or anyone the right to flame other users on this page.
See you again tomorrow.

Hilarious that you agree that its an unavoided situation and you allow exploits to happen – wouldn’t you agree that this shouldn’t happen, you know, in order to make everyones season happy and fun? Oh wait, you don’t actually care.

Also, that was pretty timid abuse if you’re going to cry about it, anything legitamate for abuse towards konr would atleast include him being a downs kid.

Quoted from konr

[…]They can’t know that he’s going to be put into hospital either though mate, and they have to follow the same rules for everyone.

downs kid, <- thats how you do it







Your team had 5 people. There is nothing in the rules saying “but if one of your players it not there FOR A GOOD REASON then…” and because of that they have to do the same for you as they would for anyone else. It’s not the admins’ fault that the team were dicks, and that team didn’t break any rules even when they were complete dicks so again the admins can’t do anything about it. Stop whining and get over it.



Quoted from stvv

2bad its me etf2lrulesmith and we have shit rules DEFAULT LOSS

Quoted from howdeh


We can totally foresee that our player is going to end up in hospital. Though, thanks for telling us about how it was avoided. Get your head out of your asshole and stop looking for an excuse to stir something.

Idiot, get the fuck out.

Although I sympathise with you if the other team were such dicks about it and the fact that a player of yours was in hospital, I don’t see how this is any fault of the admin team. Put yourself in their position; what are they suppose to do? They can’t make the other team reschedule if its less than 15 mins before the game. And if for some reason you claim this is exceptional circumstances what are they suppose to do? Get a doctors certificate?
If you have to blame anyone then choose the other team. <3

@ The original post this really doesn't seem to be going anywhere, as I said I know rehash and it would greatly surprise me if they went to admins crying for a default win. If the admins ask for their perspective of events all they can do is give it.

Quite frankly there is never going to be a good solution to this thing as a whole that will please everyone. I do however believe that if the second round was indeed incorrectly awarded and wasn't taken into consideration the first time the admins looked at it, that it counts as a change of circumstances and therefore they should *have a look* again at what has happened. I'm not saying that they should make them replay the game but simply re-evaluate the situation of awarding the win to rehash and then come to a reasonable conclusion.

Also some people on this thread really need to grow up. Just sayin'.



Edit: oops cant be nice.

Obligatory your gay as a dick in the ass comment.



Same applies to stvv…
Sorry buddy, see you in a week.
mag gets a day off as well.



Quoted from stvv


Hilarious that you agree that its an unavoided situation and you allow exploits to happen – wouldn’t you agree that this shouldn’t happen, you know, in order to make everyones season happy and fun? Oh wait, you don’t actually care.

We already allow people to wildcard matches 15 minutes before they start. That’s already quite generous by most standards, so please construct your point better then “etf2l doesn’t care”.

As for the gravelpit bug, we are looking into the best way of solving the problem.


Quoted from Oxy



Although I sympathise with you if the other team were such dicks about it and the fact that a player of yours was in hospital, I don’t see how this is any fault of the admin team. Put yourself in their position; what are they suppose to do? They can’t make the other team reschedule if its less than 15 mins before the game. And if for some reason you claim this is exceptional circumstances what are they suppose to do? Get a doctors certificate?
If you have to blame anyone then choose the other team. <3

@ The original post this really doesn't seem to be going anywhere, as I said I know rehash and it would greatly surprise me if they went to admins crying for a default win. If the admins ask for their perspective of events all they can do is give it.

Quite frankly there is never going to be a good solution to this thing as a whole that will please everyone. I do however believe that if the second round was indeed incorrectly awarded and wasn't taken into consideration the first time the admins looked at it, that it counts as a change of circumstances and therefore they should *have a look* again at what has happened. I'm not saying that they should make them replay the game but simply re-evaluate the situation of awarding the win to rehash and then come to a reasonable conclusion.

Also some people on this thread really need to grow up. Just sayin'.

^ yes, blame us – and stop flaming and raging on another persons thread, grow up
both sides presented their ‘arguments’, neither was convinced by the other side, there is no need for you to continue raging like you do all the time



Dummy, He’s right though.

If you force your opponents to play 5v6, no matter what the circumstances are, you will come accross as dicks to the whole community…
People need to remember this is just a game. The funny thing is that you rarely see that kind of unsportmanship in div1/prem where the competition actually matters.

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