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How is this decision fair?

Created 11th October 2011 @ 17:37

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2bad its me etf2lrulesmith and we have shit rules DEFAULT LOSS



Quoted from stvv

2bad its me etf2lrulesmith and we have shit rules DEFAULT LOSS

You were too late to use your wildcard and you blame the admin team for not breaking their own rules. Grow up and just play your other games.

Assuming you’re talking about your situation when saying that lol



Quoted from Skyride


pt.con offered to re-play the round, rehash went straight to the admins asking for a default.

It’s default hunting at its finest.

I’d be interested to see a chatlog/screenshot/something of a member of rehash saying to the admin words that equate to ‘default please!’.

We went to the admin to clarify his decision as there was alot of shit flying about the ingame chat at the time from both sides confusing matters, including something about how we should just play granary as a winner-take-all and forget gpit entirely. While there we were asked for our version of events, which we supplied.

In-game, just before and continuing after the unexpected round end, due to us having just finished capping B with two scouts, the other four players already at C with the scouts a very short distance away, us having 100% uber to their 0 and their team only just spawning I felt that the odds of us capping C in the imminent future were really quite good (if the round didn’t stop for no valid reason, anyway). And there was still at least 5 minutes left on the clock in the event things didn’t go so well first time around. (this information is based on calls made in mumble, as I was one of the scouts en-route to C after capping B as the round ended)

Now, be honest when considering this: doesn’t it seem a bit shit to be potentially denied what you felt would be a win based on something that was not your doing?

Of course it does. However, this is not to say that my intention when trying to communicate this can be equated with ‘hey Beef! we were DEFINATELY gonna win that, DEFAULT PLEASE!’ because it simply was not. We were not definiately going to win, and I did not ask for a default. I felt that the odds of us winning were good, and wished for this to be taken into account in however much of a big/small way that Beef and any other admins involved saw fit. I do not know if it was taking into account, and am inclined to think that as it is clearly an issue with the cfg it was actually disregarded. However, at that point in time I wished it simply to be taken on board.

Now, we have not actively discussed how to respond to the admin decision as a team yet because it was only made yesterday, and as we don’t usually practice on tuesdays, we haven’t all been in mumble together to talk about it yet. So less of this ‘rehash just went straight for the default and won’t replay it’ crap please.

maybe it would be more fair to replay, especially if what people are saying about the second round being misawarded is also true. However, on a purely personal level i’m very inclined to simply wash my hands of this whole affair, mostly down to the e-drama and no insignificant amount of slander that seems to be surrounding it. I do not care for this sort of thing. (EDIT: ok – having now actually read the entire thread, the ratio of shit to people talking about the actual problem is far nicer than I thought, but the fact that the shit still exists vexes me greatly)

We will be discussing this as a team tonight.



I think the admins need to seriously reconsider their decision here, after the now apparent (broder-illegal match) bug in the cfg not counting for overtime captures, which led to falsely awarding the 2nd round in this match to rehash.



Quoted from konr

[…]You were too late to use your wildcard and you blame the admin team for not breaking their own rules. Grow up and just play your other games.

Assuming you’re talking about your situation when saying that lol

We can totally foresee that our player is going to end up in hospital. Though, thanks for telling us about how it was avoided. Get your head out of your asshole and stop looking for an excuse to stir something.

Idiot, get the fuck out.

In relation to the thread, as steve pointed out, again, fault by admin decision – it won’t get overturned however, they don’t give a damn once their decision has been made.

Quoted from Kharnac


I’d be interested to see a chatlog/screenshot/something of a member of rehash saying to the admin words that equate to ‘default please!’.

We went to the admin to clarify his decision as there was alot of shit flying about the ingame chat at the time from both sides confusing matters, including something about how we should just play granary as a winner-take-all and forget gpit entirely. While there we were asked for our version of events, which we supplied.

In-game, just before and continuing after the unexpected round end, due to us having just finished capping B with two scouts, the other four players already at C with the scouts a very short distance away, us having 100% uber to their 0 and their team only just spawning I felt that the odds of us capping C in the imminent future were really quite good (if the round didn’t stop for no valid reason, anyway). And there was still at least 5 minutes left on the clock in the event things didn’t go so well first time around. (this information is based on calls made in mumble, as I was one of the scouts en-route to C after capping B as the round ended)

Now, be honest when considering this: doesn’t it seem a bit shit to be potentially denied what you felt would be a win based on something that was not your doing?

Of course it does. However, this is not to say that my intention when trying to communicate this can be equated with ‘hey Beef! we were DEFINATELY gonna win that, DEFAULT PLEASE!’ because it simply was not. We were not definiately going to win, and I did not ask for a default. I felt that the odds of us winning were good, and wished for this to be taken into account in however much of a big/small way that Beef and any other admins involved saw fit. I do not know if it was taking into account, and am inclined to think that as it is clearly an issue with the cfg it was actually disregarded. However, at that point in time I wished it simply to be taken on board.

Now, we have not actively discussed how to respond to the admin decision as a team yet because it was only made yesterday, and as we don’t usually practice on tuesdays, we haven’t all been in mumble together to talk about it yet. So less of this ‘rehash just went straight for the default and won’t replay it’ crap please.

maybe it would be more fair to replay, especially if what people are saying about the second round being misawarded is also true. However, on a purely personal level i’m very inclined to simply wash my hands of this whole affair, mostly down to the e-drama and no insignificant amount of slander that seems to be surrounding it. I do not care for this sort of thing. (EDIT: ok – having now actually read the entire thread, the ratio of shit to people talking about the actual problem is far nicer than I thought, but the fact that the shit still exists vexes me greatly)

We will be discussing this as a team tonight.

They must feel the same, no? You didn’t deserve that round more than they did, face the fact that people can hold 5 minutes with an uber disadvantage.

Nobody denied you of a win, server and technical faults are bound to happen here and there, and nobody can be blamed for that.

Seems like there are too many asshole teams in this league that are allowed to get away with such dick-moves, but as long as they can be utter dickfucks within rules, its perfectly fine – Its a real shame that its allowed to happen this way, it really is.

Draw the line where you feel its necessarily, there have already been too many stupid situations and its only week 4 – It really is just sad.



It’s not a config bug, it’s a bug in the map itself. The output on the capture trigger sends “AddTeamTime” rather than “AddTime” which doesn’t work in overtime.



Quoted from Mark

It’s not a config bug, it’s a bug in the map itself. The output on the capture trigger sends “AddTeamTime” rather than “AddTime” which doesn’t work in overtime.

Sorry I’m not a nerd mark :(



Quoted from konr

[…]You were too late to use your wildcard and you blame the admin team for not breaking their own rules. Grow up and just play your other games.

Assuming you’re talking about your situation when saying that lol

We played our warm up games and shifty didn’t turn up, we thought he was at football practice, and he was – where he tore a ligament (i think), and had to go to hospital, we were in a position, should wildcard or not? do we trust shifty enough to show up or dont we, and we did trust him, too bad the circumstances were out of our control and he was in hospital during our official, and instead of sympathizing with our situation Giraffe exploited it for an easy win – and before the game they told us that they were going to default hunt.

but lets not derail the thread…again



Really everyone here should just email Valve explaining the problem, they really need to sort it out. Strength in numbers and all that.



Quoted from stvv


We played our warm up games and shifty didn’t turn up, we thought he was at football practice, and he was – where he tore a ligament (i think), and had to go to hospital, we were in a position, should wildcard or not? do we trust shifty enough to show up or dont we, and we did trust him, too bad the circumstances were out of our control and he was in hospital during our official, and instead of sympathizing with our situation Giraffe exploited it for an easy win – and before the game they told us that they were going to default hunt.

but lets not derail the thread…again

This happened to us in Rasta but Filthy actually played our warm up games and then got a powercut 3 minutes before the official time, we were forced to play 5v6, the team actually refused us use of a merc to take his place. But as usual admins made a strange decision and let it slide and gave them a minor warning.



Quoted from rtan


This happened to us in Rasta but Filthy actually played our warm up games and then got a powercut 3 minutes before the official time, we were forced to play 5v6, the team actually refused us use of a merc to take his place. But as usual admins made a strange decision and let it slide and gave them a minor warning.

There should be a rule that in circumstances like this a team are allowed to reschedule no matter if the team disagrees – unless etf2l just want teams to whore out and default/ez game hunt – seems like they don’t give a fuck if this happens to you “2bad”, anyway this my last post on the subject, until konr posts more dribble and the urge to reply is just too overwhelming.



Quoted from howdeh


We can totally foresee that our player is going to end up in hospital. Though, thanks for telling us about how it was avoided. Get your head out of your asshole and stop looking for an excuse to stir something.

Idiot, get the fuck out.

I understand that you are upset by the way your opponent responded to your player missing and that they exploited the circumstance that he was in the hospital. I am also very sorry that Shifty was in an accident and I wish he will get well soon.
However, this does not give you or anyone the right to flame other users on this page.
See you again tomorrow.



Fuck me the QQ police are in force today.



Quoted from howdeh


We can totally foresee that our player is going to end up in hospital. Though, thanks for telling us about how it was avoided. Get your head out of your asshole and stop looking for an excuse to stir something.

Idiot, get the fuck out.

They can’t know that he’s going to be put into hospital either though mate, and they have to follow the same rules for everyone.



Then the rules are ALMOST as backwards as you …

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