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How is this decision fair?

Created 11th October 2011 @ 17:37

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its week 3 and we have yet to play a single game

//just thought i should whine about etf2l while were at it

Sure I might be awfully biased because it’s our 2nd team but the way I see it the fair option for both teams would be to replay the round. Either from the beginning or trying to recreate the situation where the config broke.

TF2 really is not a game where you can look at demos and decide, yep, that team is gonna win because of this, this and this. Especially not on gravelpit where engies, snipers, spies etc are always present. Because pretty much anything can happen.



Quoted from Beef

Where in that post do I say we made a decision considering positioning and über?

Quoted for relevance



Given that both teams were unaware of the config messup, which you explicitly state is clear from round start, then I think it should be replayed.

If in future this same thing arises and one team (the ‘away’ team, ie. not their server) notices then they could surely choose to not say anything and have the point awarded in their favour. If a team says something and the ‘home’ team ignores it then the ‘away’ team should rightly be given it but as no team realised then I don’t see how either of them should be penalised when they both technically had the opportunity to notice the fault.



Quoted from Skyride


pt.con offered to re-play the round, rehash went straight to the admins asking for a default.

It’s default hunting at its finest.

Rehash aren’t the sort of people who go default hunting.



Quoted from konr

Apparently it’s because there is a rule that you must have the proper config loaded. It isn’t that you lost, it’s that it was your server and your config, therefore your fault.


There is a rule you must have the server config loaded. They did.

What they did not do was this last part from 4.4:

In the case of both teams taking one round (1:1) there will be a decider round. In the first 2 rounds the teams should note the final cap time of the first team attacking. The team that has the best cap time (or more caps in the case a team did not cap all points) can choose if they want to attack or defend first in the 3rd round. Remember to reload the config between rounds, so teams can be switched.

While pt.con were at fault for not doing this, the other team were equally at fault.

So we come back to simply: Neither team was in a clearly winning position, and neither team were breaking any rules.

Just replay the damn game.

Quoted from Oxy


Rehash aren’t the sort of people who go default hunting.

Then why aren’t they just replaying? This sounds like a very clear case of default hunting to me.



The other team was equally at fault for not executing the config in someone else’s server? Meh, whatever man.



Quoted from konr

The other team was equally at fault for not executing the config in someone else’s server? Meh, whatever man.

They were equally at fault because there is no way for the home team to more easily notice it than the away team. Rehash were either equally unaware, or unwilling to indicate the config wasn’t reloaded.



Quoted from konr

The other team was equally at fault for not executing the config in someone else’s server? Meh, whatever man.

They didn’t notice or inform the other team that the config wasn’t exced? :/



Quoted from konr

The other team was equally at fault for not executing the config in someone else’s server? Meh, whatever man.

I had this before in a highlander community challenge. The other team didn’t execute the config before the game. We rolled them, and then they went and cried to admins saying the game wasn’t played with the right config and the admins said we needed to replay the whole map.

An inappropriate config should not be constituted as cheating, seeing as there are no obvious advantages to having a custom cfg.

Stop “default hunting”. Replay the damn map.


(ETF2L Donator)

How would not reloading the config cause that? Only thing i could think of is windifference, but score should have been 5-3 to rehash by what you described.

or was timelimit hit after after their capture (which shouldn’t have been on) ?

I’ve had similar things happen on a pub i help administer, when points were captured during overtime in A/D CP maps., the round would just end, I could never figure out why.

I don’t think anyone is to blame, but rather that it was an odd bug.



This is the demo I watched of the match, on which I based by decision, after being asked to look into the match by the many friends of pt.con.

The key point is that something was evidently wrong for a long time in the final round, and neither team commented on it for the duration of the match. Complaints made after a match about configs and/or server settings are invariably made by the losing team and are rarely taken into consideration.

The result counts, this isn’t a default win to either team. If both teams agree to replay any part of the match then that’s fine by us.



Quoted from Crasp

If both teams agree to replay any part of the match then that’s fine by us.

While keeping that in mind, don’t let yourself start a witchhunt after rehash. It’s up to both teams to solve the issue and by starting flame wars you don’t help either side.


Quoted from Crasp

The result counts, this isn’t a default win to either team. If both teams agree to replay any part of the match then that’s fine by us.

im a little bit confused. whats the current situation they are in right now? i thought rehash was given a def win, hence this thread was created..

and what if rehash just wants to get the def win and refuses to replay it? (not accusing anyone, i dont know those guys)

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