[ETF2L] Summer '11 Cups
Created 21st May 2011 @ 13:56
We’re gonna run cups this summer, so let’s collect some suggestions here and discuss them. Discuss nations cup as well.
Here are some of the suggestions so far:
Nations cup
Scout 2v2
Pyro Paintball
KOTH 4v4
Crasp’s Epic Idea
5v5 Sniper in Arena mode. No unlocks. Maybe a few things like win limit 7, round time limit of 3-5 minutes (these are flexible), basically a CSS spoof in TF2.
ETF2L cup
ETF2L Olympics
Rage Arena
Kinda like Turris, but for 2v2 soldier:
My epic idea:
Arena mode
Snipers only
No unlocks
Maybe a few things like winlimit 7, round time limit of 3-5 minutes (these are flexible), basically a css spoof in tf2.
– ETF2L Cup
– InstaGib (1 hit – one kill. Also, see biohazard might be working on a new version, will ask him about it)
I’m still for that ETF2L Olympics idea I mentioned last year :D
Please do add rage arena!
– BBall
– Rage arena (its like turris but better)
– KOTH 4v4
Feel free to add descriptions to the suggestions, and I’ll add it to the post.
Everything in Ashkan’s post, but in a season format rather than standalone cups. You sign up as a team, but not necessarily the entire team plays (for example, a team’s soldiers play turris in week 1, the scouts play dodgeball in week 2, etc. – just an example though, naturally it’s up to teams who they field for the games).
Also, 1v1 Medic :D
Info about RAGE ARENA:
– It’s based on turris map basically (just a lot bigger and better)
– 2v2 soldiers only (works 3v3 but 2v2 is better!)
– We can find some photos of the map here:
Should be fun!
Quoted from Spike Himself
Everything in Ashkan’s post, but in a season format rather than standalone cups. You sign up as a team, but not necessarily the entire team plays (for example, a team’s soldiers play turris in week 1, the scouts play dodgeball in week 2, etc. – just an example though, naturally it’s up to teams who they field for the games).
Also, 1v1 Medic :D
Do you think that would work as Summer Olympics? Meaning that players from the national teams take part in stuff like:
– scout 2v2
– soldier 1v1
– ultiduo
– bball
I think we would need more cups though, so that there’s actually a fair amount of medals handed out and we get a clear winner. It won’t be fun otherwise. We could also hand out posters to the winning teams.
However, that would mean that only top players from each country get to play (and they’d be getting even more awards, the posters), so we would have to run other interesting cups as well, for the others. A solution would of course be to make the Summer Olympics team based rather than nationality based.
actually Spike and I were +/- talking about the same thing. Funny :3
An idea from the Steam forums:
How about a 6v6 style tournament with an added twist. Each round (1st round, 2 round…. semi-finals, finals) would have a restriction (as chosen by the people in charge) that would cause changes in strategy. I mean as in, one round you must harbor at least one class with this unlock, or one of this class, or you can’t use this class, or putting players on non-typical 6v6 maps, etc… (you get the idea). It would be open to public and competitive players alike and would be a fun experiment.
I do not have the time or resources to host a tournament. It is an idea thrown out to the community.
Not saying I like it or dislike it, but I thought I should at least share it here.
Bumpity. Scout 2v2 and Medic 2v2 have generated a few comments lately.
We also need to sort the plan for the Kritz cup. Regarding the setup of skill brackets etc, worst case we can just open signups and adapt to what happens from there.
I’m curious about postponing the kritz cup for now and running a Quick Fix EO cup in the meantime, any thoughts?
Plus, Ultiduo and highlander soon. Since Angel wants to open signups ideally on Sunday I’ll look into giving him and Imperium admins tomorrow. I’d like to give them a wee intro, but I won’t really be around between 5 and 10 UK time at the least, maybe even earlier.